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And the drippy walls were lined with twelve hexagonal cubbies, like a

single strip of honeycomb. Most were covered in a thick, slimy white

film that blocked any glimpse of what brewed in the amber-colored

goo beyond. But not all of them.

“Think those three were always empty?” Keefe said, voicing the

question that Sophie hadn’t wanted to ask as she searched every

shadow for signs of life.

There weren’t many places to hide.

And as the seconds dragged on, Sophie’s pulse slowly began to

steady—until she caught a flicker of motion on the edge of her

peripheral vision.

“Did you see that?” she whispered, squinting at the darkest corner

of the room.

None of her friends nodded.

But the motion flickered again—and this time everyone saw them.

Three pairs of glowing orange eyes.

“SEAL THE HIVE!” Tarina commanded—and this time Umber

listened, grabbing the door and swinging it closed as fast as she could.

But the newborns were faster, their massive bodies a blur of slimy

muscle and ragged claws as they slammed against the door hard

enough to rip it off its hinges, sending the huge circle of metal

crashing down on top of Umber.

Then the beasts were free, trampling into the clearing and raising

their heads to sniff out their new surroundings as everyone scrambled

back and reached for weapons. Moonlight glinted off their wet skin,

giving them a slippery blue-gray tint, and Sophie caught a glimpse of

hippo-size fanged teeth as one of the newborns charged one of

Cadfael’s soldiers.

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