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take control of the situation. It’s probably best if you break into groups so

you can cover more ground—but don’t wander too far. Remember that the

rest of the Collective—and several more members of our order—will be

searching other areas. It’s about being thorough and questioning any detail

that feels off. I also want you to meet back here at our base point every thirty

minutes in case we need to adjust our strategy. He pointed to a blanket a

few feet away, piled with pillows and overstuffed baskets.

“Aw, you brought snacks!” Keefe said.

Actually, that was Edaline. Magnate Leto nudged his chin toward the

fringes of the crowd, and it took Sophie several seconds to find her

mom shrouded in a lavender cloak, with Grady next to her in pale


The nervous smiles they gave her when their eyes met seemed to

say, Please be careful. And Sophie hoped her responding nod told them

to do the same.

No one goes off alone, no matter the circumstances, Magnate Leto

continued. Especially you, Miss Vacker. Vanish if you wish, but stay near

some of your friends. And if any of you see anything suspicious, set off one of

these. He passed around a sack filled with what looked like tiny silver

marbles, and they each grabbed a handful. The Council distributed them

to everyone, so they won’t be suspicious, but yours are the only ones that

flash purple, so we’ll be able to—

Purple sparks crackled at his feet, making him stumble back.

“What?” Keefe asked. “Someone needed to make sure they work,

right?” He set off another one with a smirk. “Yep, I think we’re good.”

Magnate Leto breathed a long-suffering sigh.

But Sophie was grateful for the bit of levity. It sent the monster

skittering to the back of her mind.

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