Creswell_Research_Design_ Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches 2018 5th Ed

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Sources: Adapted from APA (2010); Creswell (2013); Lincoln (2009); Mertens and Ginsberg (2009); and Salmons (2010).

Ethical issues in research command increased attention today. The ethical considerations that need to be

anticipated are extensive, and they are reflected through the research process. These issues apply to qualitative,

quantitative, and mixed methods research and to all stages of research. Proposal writers need to anticipate

them and actively address them in their research plans. Accordingly, it is helpful to address them as they relate

to different phases of inquiry. As shown in Table 4.1, attention needs to be directed toward ethical issues prior

to conducting the study; beginning a study; during data collection and data analysis; and in reporting, sharing,

and storing the data.


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