Creswell_Research_Design_ Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches 2018 5th Ed

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Two-tailed alpha value, 152, 163

Type I error rate, 152

Type II error rate, 152

Typology study, 39

Umbrella thoughts, 83–84

Unusual codes, 193–194

U.S. National Library of Medicine, 31


construct validity, 153

convergent approach, 221

experiments and, 169–172, 170–171 (table), 172 (table)

explanatory sequential mixed methods and, 223

exploratory sequential mixed methods and, 226

qualitative research and, 199–201

quantitative research and, 153


in experiments, 164–165

in qualitative purpose statement, 122–126

in quantitative methods section, 50–52, 60–61, 155–156, 155 (table)

in research questions/hypotheses, 137–139

See also Instruments and materials; Validity; specific research approaches

Verb choices, 86

Visual causal models, 54–56, 55 (figure), 56 (figure), 57 (figure)

Visual data, 197–198

Visual summaries. See Literature maps

Voluntary participation, 93

Vulnerable populations, 91

Wave analysis, 157

Web sources, 34

Within-group design, 167

Women returning to graduate school study, 136

Writing strategies

about, 97

biased language, 96


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