Creswell_Research_Design_ Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches 2018 5th Ed

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Chapter 8 Quantitative Methods

We turn now from the introduction, the purpose, and the questions and hypotheses to the method section of

a proposal. This chapter presents essential steps in designing quantitative methods for a research proposal or

study, with specific focus on survey and experimental designs. These designs reflect postpositivist

philosophical assumptions, as discussed in Chapter 1. For example, determinism suggests that examining the

relationships between and among variables is central to answering questions and hypotheses through surveys

and experiments. In one case, a researcher might be interested in evaluating whether playing violent video

games is associated with higher rates of playground aggression in kids, which is a correlational hypothesis that

could be evaluated in a survey design. In another case, a researcher might be interested in evaluating whether

violent video game playing causes aggressive behavior, which is a causal hypothesis that is best evaluated by a

true experiment. In each case, these quantitative approaches focus on carefully measuring (or experimentally

manipulating) a parsimonious set of variables to answer theory-guided research questions and hypotheses. In

this chapter, the focus is on the essential components of a method section in proposals for a survey or

experimental study.


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