Creswell_Research_Design_ Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches 2018 5th Ed

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single versus teams, 239

Research methods, 3, 5 (figure), 16, 16 (table)

See also Data analysis; Data collection; Data integration; Data interpretation; Mixed methods

procedures; Qualitative methods; Quantitative methods

Research problems

about, 3

described in introductions, 108–109

ethical issues, 89 (table)

identifying, 102

meaningfulness of, 92–93, 112–114

real-life problems as, 102–103

sources of, 101–102

types, 19

See also Purpose statements; Research questions and hypotheses

Research productivity in pharmacy school study, 56, 57 (figure)

Research questions and hypotheses

about, 52, 133, 145

additional readings, 146

cross-referencing variables with, 155–156, 155 (table)

inferential questions/hypotheses, 140–141, 157–158, 159 (table)

interconnected, 54

language usage, 140

mixed methods approach, 141–144

model for, 140–141

qualitative approach, 133–136

quantitative approach, 136–141

testing, 49

types, 19

Research tips

data analysis, 156–158, 193–195, 194 (figure)

database searching, 32–33

literature reviews, 28–29, 111, 112

proposal design, 79–80

proposal introductions, 109

theory placement, 59

theory use, 64

validity, 171–172

Resilience after childhood sexual abuse study, 240–242

Respondent/nonrespondent analysis, 157

Response bias, 157


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