Creswell_Research_Design_ Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches 2018 5th Ed

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Line graphs, 173

Literature maps, 30, 34–36, 37 (figure)

Literature reviews

about, 45–46

abstracts, 36–39

additional readings, 47

components, 44–45

consistency of style, 39–40

definitions of terms, 40–44, 47

introductions including, 110–111

mixed method, 44–45

organizing with maps, 34–36, 37 (figure)

placement of, 27–29, 27 (table)

qualitative approach, 44

quantitative approach, 44–45

selecting, 33–34

steps in process, 29–30, 47

style manuals, 39–40, 47

theories located during, 53

typology study and, 39

uses of, 25–29, 27 (table)

Literature types, 110

Longitudinal data collection, 12

Longitudinal surveys, 149

Macro-level theories, 53

Main effects, 173

Manipulated variables, 166

Manipulation check measure, 164–165, 174

Mediating variables, 51–52, 139


Member checking, 208

MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms, 31

Meso-level theories, 53

Methods. See Mixed methods procedures; Qualitative methods; Quantitative methods

Micro-level theories, 53

Middle school and junior high school study, 143

Minitab Statistical Software 17, 156

Mixed methods approach


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