Creswell_Research_Design_ Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches 2018 5th Ed

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Ethical Considerations

Most authors who discuss qualitative research design address the importance of ethical considerations (Locke et al., 1982; Marshall &

Rossman, 1989; Merriam, 1988; Spradley, 1980). First and foremost, the researcher has an obligation to respect the rights, needs, values,

and desires of the informant(s). To an extent, ethnographic research is always obtrusive. Participant observation invades the life of the

informant (Spradley, 1980) and sensitive information is frequently revealed. This is of particular concern in this study where the

informant’s position and institution are highly visible. The following safeguards will be employed to protect the informant’s rights: 1) the

research objectives will be articulated verbally and in writing so that they are clearly understood by the informant (including a description

of how data will be used), 2) written permission to proceed with the study as articulated will be received from the informant, 3) a research

exemption form will be filed with the Institutional Review Board (Appendixes B1 and B2), 4) the informant will be informed of all data

collection devices and activities, 5) verbatim transcriptions and written interpretations and reports will be made available to the informant,

6) the informant’s rights, interests and wishes will be considered first when choices are made regarding reporting the data, and 7) the final

decision regarding informant anonymity will rest with the informant. [Author addressed ethical issues and IRB review.]


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