Creswell_Research_Design_ Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches 2018 5th Ed

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Intervening (mediating) variables, 51–52

Interviews, 13, 187, 188–189 (table), 190, 191 (figure)

In-text references, 40


about, 114

additional readings, 114–115

deficiencies model of, 105, 111–112, 115

example, 106–107

importance of, 101–102

mixed methods approach, 105

qualitative approach, 104

quantitative approach, 104–105

Introductions, components of

abstract, 102–103

literature reviews, 110–112

opening statements, 114–115

rationale for study, 112–114, 115

research problem description, 108–109

Wilkinson’s views on, 115

Inventory study, 125–126

Inverted triangle image, 110–111

IRB (institutional review board), 91–92, 185

Joint display of data, 220

Journal articles, 26–27, 33–34, 34, 239

The Journal of Higher Education, 106–114

Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 68

Kinship relationship study, 43

Knowledge as conjectural, 7

Language usage

bias in, 96

coherence, 84

example of hypotheses, 140

sentence construction, 86–88, 108, 118, 134–136

See also Writing strategies


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