Creswell_Research_Design_ Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches 2018 5th Ed

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Types of Mixed Methods Designs

There have been several typologies for classifying and identifying types of mixed methods strategies that

proposal developers might use in their proposed mixed methods study. Creswell and Plano Clark (2018)

identified several classification systems drawn from the fields of evaluation, nursing, public health, education

policy and research, and social and behavioral research. In these classifications, authors used diverse terms for

their types of designs, and a substantial amount of overlap of types existed in the typologies. For purposes of

clarifying the design discussion in the mixed methods field, we will identify three core mixed methods designs (as

shown in Figures 10.1 and 10.2)—the convergent design, the explanatory sequential design, and the

exploratory sequential design—and then briefly mention more complex designs (i.e., the mixed methods

experimental design, the mixed methods case study design, the mixed methods participatory–social justice

design, and the mixed methods evaluation design) in which the core designs can be embedded. Each approach

will be discussed in terms of a description of the design, the forms of data collection and data analysis and

integration, interpretation, and validity challenges.


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