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think. I keep trying to grasp at it, to hold on to it, but the harder I

struggle, the fainter and the further away it gets.



I’m woken by a soft tapping at the door. Rain batters against the

windows; it’s after eight but still seems dark outside. Cathy pushes the

door gently open and peers into the room.

“Rachel? Are you all right?” She catches sight of the bottle next to my

bed and her shoulders sag. “Oh, Rachel.” She comes across to my bed

and picks up the bottle. I’m too embarrassed to say anything. “Are you

not going into work?” she asks me. “Did you go yesterday?”

She doesn’t wait for me to answer, just turns to go, calling back as she

does, “You’ll end up getting yourself sacked if you carry on like this.”

I should just say it now, she’s already angry with me. I should go after

her and tell her: I was sacked months ago for turning up blind drunk after

a three-hour lunch with a client during which I managed to be so rude

and unprofessional that I cost the firm his business. When I close my

eyes, I can still remember the tail end of that lunch, the look on the

waitress’s face as she handed me my jacket, weaving into the office,

people turning to look. Martin Miles taking me to one side. I think you

should probably go home, Rachel.

There is a crack of thunder, a flash of light. I jolt upright. What was it

I thought of last night? I check my little black book, but I haven’t written

anything down since midday yesterday: notes about Kamal—age,

ethnicity, conviction for domestic violence. I pick up a pen and cross out

that last point.

Downstairs, I make myself a cup of coffee and turn on the TV. The

police held a press conference last night, they’re showing clips from it on

Sky News. Detective Inspector Gaskill’s up there, looking pale and gaunt

and chastened. Hangdog. He never mentions Kamal’s name, just says

that a suspect had been detained and questioned, but has been released

without charge and that the investigation is ongoing. The cameras pan

away from him to Scott, sitting hunched and uncomfortable, blinking in

the light of the cameras, his face a twist of anguish. It hurts my heart to

see him. He speaks softly, his eyes cast down. He says that he has not

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