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you were a total mess. Why is this important?” I can’t find the words

right away, I take too long to answer. He goes on: “Look, I have to go.

Don’t call anymore, please. We’ve been through this. How many times

do I have to ask you? Don’t call, don’t leave notes, don’t come here. It

upsets Anna. All right?”

The phone goes dead.



I’ve been downstairs in the living room all night, with the television on

for company, fear ebbing and flowing. Strength ebbing and flowing. It

feels a bit like I’ve gone back in time, the wound he made years ago

ripped open again, new and fresh. It’s silly, I know. I was an idiot to

think that I had a chance with him again, just on the basis of one

conversation, a few moments that I took for tenderness and that were

probably nothing more than sentimentality and guilt. Still, it hurts. And

I’ve just got to let myself feel the pain, because if I don’t, if I keep

numbing it, it’ll never really go away.

And I was an idiot to let myself think that there was a connection

between me and Scott, that I could help him. So, I’m an idiot. I’m used

to that. I don’t have to continue to be one, do I? Not any longer. I lay

here all night and I promised myself that I’ll get a handle on things. I’ll

move away from here, far away. I’ll get a new job. I’ll go back to my

maiden name, sever ties with Tom, make it hard for anyone to find me.

Should anyone come looking.

I haven’t had much sleep. Lying here on the sofa, making plans, every

time I started drifting off to sleep I heard Tom’s voice in my head, as

clear as if he were right there, right next to me, his lips against my ear—

You were blind drunk. Filthy, stinking drunk—and I jolted awake, shame

washing over me like a wave. Shame, but also the strongest sense of déjà

vu, because I’ve heard those words before, those exact words.

And then I couldn’t stop running the scenes through my head: waking

with blood on the pillow, the inside of my mouth hurting, as though I’d

bitten my cheek, fingernails dirty, terrible headache, Tom coming out of

the bathroom, that expression he wore—half hurt, half angry—dread

rising in me like floodwater.

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