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One piece of the memory led to the next. It’s as though I’d been

blundering about in the dark for days, weeks, months, then finally caught

hold of something. Like running my hand along a wall to find my way

from one room to the next. Shifting shadows started at last to coalesce,

and after a while my eyes became accustomed to the gloom, and I could


Not at first. At first, although it felt like a memory, I thought it must

be a dream. I sat there, on the sofa, almost paralysed with shock, telling

myself that it wouldn’t be the first time I’d misremembered something,

wouldn’t be the first time that I’d thought things went a certain way

when in fact they had played out differently.

Like that time we went to a party thrown by a colleague of Tom’s, and

I was very drunk, but we’d had a good night. I remember kissing Clara

good-bye. Clara was the colleague’s wife, a lovely woman, warm and

kind. I remember her saying that we should get together again; I

remember her holding my hand in hers.

I remembered that so clearly, but it wasn’t true. I knew it wasn’t true

the next morning when Tom turned his back on me when I tried to speak

to him. I know it isn’t true because he told me how disappointed and

embarrassed he was that I’d accused Clara of flirting with him, that I’d

been hysterical and abusive.

When I closed my eyes I could feel her hand, warm against my skin,

but that didn’t actually happen. What really happened is that Tom had to

half carry me out of the house, me crying and shouting all the way, while

poor Clara cowered in the kitchen.

So when I closed my eyes, when I drifted into a half dream and found

myself in that underpass, I may have been able to feel the cold and smell

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