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she?” The smile is slipping from his face and I’m getting a bad feeling

about this, a very bad feeling. I get to my feet and take a step towards the

door, but he’s there in front of me, his hands gripping my arms, and he

pushes me back into the chair.

“Sit the fuck down.” He grabs my handbag from my shoulder and

throws it into the corner of the room.

“Scott, I don’t know what’s going on—”

“Come on!” he shouts, leaning over me. “You and Megan were such

good friends! You must have known about all her lovers!”

He knows. And as the thought comes to me, he must see it in my face

because he leans in closer, his breath rancid in my face, and says, “Come

on, Rachel. Tell me.”

I shake my head and he swings a hand out, catching the beer bottle in

front of me. It rolls off the table and smashes on the tiled floor.

“You never even fucking met her!” he yells. “Everything you said to

me—everything was a lie.”

Ducking my head, I get to my feet, mumbling, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

I’m trying to get round the table, to retrieve my handbag, my phone, but

he grabs my arm again.

“Why did you do this?” he asks. “What made you do this? What is

wrong with you?”

He’s looking at me, his eyes locked on mine, and I’m terrified of him,

but at the same time I know that his question isn’t unreasonable. I owe

him an explanation. So I don’t pull my arm away, I let his fingers dig

into my flesh and I try to speak clearly and calmly. I try not to cry. I try

not to panic.

“I wanted you to know about Kamal,” I tell him. “I saw them together,

like I told you, but you wouldn’t have taken me seriously if I’d just been

some girl on the train. I needed—”

“You needed!” He lets go of me, turning away. “You’re telling me

what you needed . . .” His voice is softer, he’s calming down. I breathe

deeply, trying to slow my heart.

“I wanted to help you,” I say. “I knew that the police always suspect

the husband, and I wanted you to know—to know there was someone

else . . .”

“So you made up a story about knowing my wife? Do you have any

idea how insane you sound?”

“I do.”

I walk over to the kitchen counter to pick up a dishcloth, then get

down on my hands and knees and clean up the spilled beer. Scott sits,

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