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pulls out a beer. He looks over at me. “You want one?”

I shake my head.

“No, best not, I suppose.”

I hardly hear him. I’m calculating whether I can reach the front door

from here before he can get hold of me. If it’s just on the latch, I reckon I

could make it. If he’s locked it, then I’d be in trouble. I pitch myself

forward and run. I get into the hallway—my hand is almost on the door

handle—when I feel the bottle hit the back of my skull. There’s an

explosion of pain, white before my eyes, and I crumple to my knees. His

fingers twist into my hair as he grabs a fistful and pulls, dragging me

back into the living room, where he lets go. He stands above me,

straddling me, one foot on either side of my hips. His daughter is still in

his arms, but Anna is at his side, tugging at her.

“Give her to me, Tom, please. You’re going to hurt her. Please, give

her to me.”

He hands the wailing Evie over to Anna.

I can hear Tom talking, but it seems like he’s a long way away, or as

though I’m hearing him through water. I can make out the words but they

somehow don’t seem to apply to me, to what’s happening to me.

Everything is happening at one remove.

“Go upstairs,” he says. “Go into the bedroom and shut the door. You

mustn’t call anyone, OK? I mean it, Anna. You don’t want to call

anyone. Not with Evie here. We don’t want things to turn nasty.” Anna

doesn’t look down at me. She clutches the child to her chest, steps over

me and hurries away.

Tom bends down, slips his hands into the waistband of my jeans,

grabs hold of them and drags me along the floor into the kitchen. I’m

kicking out with my legs, trying to get a hold of something, but I can’t. I

can’t see properly—tears are stinging my eyes, everything is a blur. The

pain in my head is excruciating as I bump along the floor, and I feel a

wave of nausea come over me. There’s hot, white pain as something

connects with my temple. Then nothing.

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