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Scott is a self-employed IT consultant. (I can’t bloody believe Scott is

an IT consultant.)

Megan and Scott have been married for three years; they have been

living in the house on Blenheim Road since January 2012.

According to the Daily Mail, their house is worth four hundred

thousand pounds.

Reading this, I know that things look bad for Scott. Not just because

of the argument, either; it’s just the way things are: when something bad

happens to a woman, the police look at the husband or the boyfriend

first. However, in this case, the police don’t have all the facts. They’re

only looking at the husband, presumably because they don’t know about

the boyfriend.

It could be that I am the only person who knows that the boyfriend


I scrabble around in my bag for a scrap of paper. On the back of a card

slip for two bottles of wine, I write down a list of most likely possible

explanations for the disappearance of Megan Hipwell:

1. She has run off with her boyfriend, who from here on in, I

will refer to as B.

2. B has harmed her.

3. Scott has harmed her.

4. She has simply left her husband and gone to live


5. Someone other than B or Scott has harmed her.

I think the first possibility is most likely, and four is a strong

contender, too, because Megan is an independent, wilful woman, I’m

sure of it. And if she were having an affair, she might need to get away to

clear her head, mightn’t she? Five does not seem especially likely, since

murder by a stranger isn’t all that common.

The bump on my head is throbbing, and I can’t stop thinking about

the argument I saw, or imagined, or dreamed about, on Saturday night.

As we pass Megan and Scott’s house, I look up. I can hear the blood

pulsing in my head. I feel excited. I feel afraid. The windows of number

fifteen, reflecting morning sunshine, look like sightless eyes.


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