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Everything about him is warm—his hands, his eyes, his voice—

everything but the smile. You can see the killer in him when he shows

his teeth. My stomach a hard ball, my pulse skyrocketing again, I left his

office without shaking his outstretched hand. I couldn’t stand to touch


I understand, I do. I can see what Megan saw in him, and it’s not just

that he’s arrestingly handsome. He’s also calm and reassuring, he exudes

a patient kindness. Someone innocent or trusting or simply troubled

might not see through all that, might not see that under all that calm he’s

a wolf. I understand that. For almost an hour, I was drawn in. I let myself

open up to him. I forgot who he was. I betrayed Scott, and I betrayed

Megan, and I feel guilty about that.

But most of all, I feel guilty because I want to go back.



I had it again, the dream where I’ve done something wrong, where

everyone is against me, sides with Tom. Where I can’t explain, or even

apologize, because I don’t know what the thing is. In the space between

dreaming and wakefulness, I think of a real argument, long ago—four

years ago—after our first and only round of IVF failed, when I wanted to

try again. Tom told me we didn’t have the money, and I didn’t question

that. I knew we didn’t—we’d taken on a big mortgage, he had some

debts left over from a bad business deal his father had coaxed him into

pursuing—I just had to deal with it. I just had to hope that one day we

would have the money, and in the meantime I had to bite back the tears

that came, hot and fast, every time I saw a stranger with a bump, every

time I heard someone else’s happy news.

It was a couple of months after we’d found out that the IVF had failed

that he told me about the trip. Vegas, for four nights, to watch the big

fight and let off some steam. Just him and a couple of his mates from the

old days, people I had never met. It cost a fortune, I know, because I saw

the booking receipt for the flight and the room in his email inbox. I’ve no

idea what the boxing tickets cost, but I can’t imagine they were cheap. It

wasn’t enough to pay for a round of IVF, but it would have been a start.

We had a horrible fight about it. I don’t remember the details because I’d

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