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“Were from Megan? Yes, I imagine so.”

It’s odd, because I know now that all this time I’ve been hating the

wrong woman, and yet knowing this doesn’t make me dislike Rachel any

less. If anything, seeing her like this, calm, concerned, sober, I’m starting

to see what she once was and I resent her more, because I’m starting to

see what he must have seen in her. What he must have loved.

I glance down at my watch. It’s after eleven. He left around eight, I

think. It might even have been earlier. He must know about the phone by

now. He must have known for quite some time. Perhaps he thinks it fell

out of the bag. Perhaps he imagines it’s under the bed upstairs.

“How long have you known?” I ask her. “About the affair.”

“I didn’t,” she says. “Until today. I mean I don’t know what was going

on. I just know . . .” Thankfully she falls silent, because I’m not sure I

can stand hearing her talk about my husband’s infidelity. The thought

that she and I—fat, sad Rachel and I—are now in the same boat is


“Do you think it was his?” she asks me. “Do you think the baby was


I’m looking at her, but I’m not really seeing her, not seeing anything

but darkness, not hearing anything but a roaring in my ears, like the sea,

or a plane right overhead.

“What did you say?”

“The . . . I’m sorry.” She’s red in the face, flustered. “I shouldn’t

have . . . She was pregnant when she died. Megan was pregnant. I’m so


But she’s not sorry at all, I’m sure of it, and I don’t want to go to

pieces in front of her. But I look down then, I look down at Evie, and I

feel a sadness unlike anything I’ve ever felt before crashing over me like

a wave, crushing the breath right out of me. Evie’s brother, Evie’s sister.

Gone. Rachel sits at my side and puts her arm around my shoulders.

“I’m sorry,” she says again, and I want to hit her. The feeling of her

skin against mine makes my flesh crawl. I want to push her away, I want

to scream at her, but I can’t. She lets me cry for a while and then she says

in a clear, determined voice, “Anna, I think we should go. I think you

should pack some things, for you and Evie, and then we should go. You

can come to my place for now. Until . . . until we sort all this out.”

I dry my eyes and pull away from her. “I’m not leaving him, Rachel.

He had an affair, he . . . It’s not the first time, is it?” I start to laugh, and

Evie laughs, too.

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