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there were someone else in the room, someone he didn’t want to


“Can we talk in person?” he asked.

“I . . . no. I don’t think so . . .”


I hesitated just for a moment, and then I agreed.

“Could you come to the house? Not now, my . . . there are people

here. This evening?” He gave me the address, which I pretended to note


“Thank you for contacting me,” he said, and he hung up.

I knew as I was agreeing that it wasn’t a good idea. What I know

about Scott, from the papers, is almost nothing. What I know from my

own observations, I don’t really know. I don’t know anything about

Scott. I know things about Jason—who, I have to keep reminding

myself, doesn’t exist. All I know for sure—for absolutely certain—is that

Scott’s wife has been missing for a week. I know that he is probably a

suspect. And I know, because I saw that kiss, that he has a motive to kill

her. Of course, he might not know that he has a motive, but . . . Oh, I’ve

tied myself up in knots thinking about it, but how could I pass up the

opportunity to approach that house, the one I’ve observed a hundred

times from the trackside, from the street? To walk up to his front door, to

go inside, to sit in his kitchen, on his terrace, where they sat, where I

watched them?

It was too tempting. Now I sit on the train, my arms wrapped around

myself, hands jammed against my sides to stop them from trembling,

like an excited child caught up in an adventure. I was so glad to have a

purpose that I stopped thinking about the reality. I stopped thinking about


I’m thinking about her now. I have to convince Scott that I knew her

—a little, not a lot. That way, he’ll believe me when I tell him that I saw

her with another man. If I admit to lying right away, he’ll never trust me.

So I try to imagine what it would have been like to drop by the gallery,

chat with her over a coffee. Does she drink coffee? We would talk about

art, perhaps, or yoga, or our husbands. I don’t know anything about art,

I’ve never done yoga. I don’t have a husband. And she betrayed hers.

I think of the things her real friends said about her: wonderful, funny,

beautiful, warmhearted. Loved. She made a mistake. It happens. We are

none of us perfect.

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