Casino Life Business Magazine edition no. 166

Casino Life Business Magazine edition no. 166 / September 2023

Casino Life Business Magazine edition no. 166 / September 2023


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„Rugby-ul are codurile sale,

la fel și pariurile”

Noua campanie pentru jocuri de noroc responsabile din Franța a fost lansată

la timp pentru începerea Cupei Mondiale de Rugby din 2023.

Source: gamblingnews

Autoritatea Națională

pentru Jocurile de Noroc din

Franța (ANJ), un organism

administrativ independent

responsabil cu reglementarea

sectorului pariurilor și

a jocurilor de noroc din țară,

a anunțat lansarea unei noi

campanii de conștientizare

a jocurilor de noroc responsabil

chiar la timp pentru

Cupa Mondială de Rugby

2023. Au apărut detalii

privind noua campanie,

France’s National Gaming

Authority (ANJ), an independent

administrative body in

charge of regulating the betting

and gambling sector in

the country, announced the

launch of a new responsible

gambling awareness campaign

just in time for the 2023

Rugby World Cup. Details

regarding the new campaign

emerged, revealing that the

regulator will seek to promote

it via digital outdoor displays

and Snapchat.

The new campaign, labeled

“Rugby has its codes, so does

betting,” seeks to encourage

new and seasoned bettors to

set limits when engaging in

sports wagering. Ultimately,

the ANJ calls for good practices

that seek to ensure that betting

remains a recreational activity.

The campaign encourages

bettors to set specific budgets,

as well as time and stakes limits

and adhere to them. Additionally,

the responsible gambling

awareness campaign

asks bettors not to overestimate

their expertise and warns

that there’s always chance

present in sports.

The betting and gambling

regulator confirmed that the

images for the new campaign

were created by the Rosbeef

agency. Previously, the ANJ

“Rugby has its codes, so does betting”

The new responsible gambling campaign in France launched just

in time for the start of the 2023 Rugby World Cup.




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