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straightened and brushed his hands on his pants. “I’m pulling up weeds.

They’re choking everything else. I haven’t had time to work out here. One of

the things I’ll ask of you is tending the garden. When you’re ready.”

He picked up the basket and nodded toward the hills. “There are other

foodstuffs growing wild. Chicory, mustard, and miner’s lettuce mostly. I’ll

teach you what to look for. Down the creek a half mile are blackberries.

They come ripe in late summer. There are blueberries a half mile up the hill.

We’ve got apples and walnuts as well.” He handed her the basket. “You can

wash those vegetables in the creek.”

She did what he told her and came back to the cabin. Michael showed

her how to peel and pare them and left her to it. The meat was boiling in the

pot over the fire, and he took an iron hook and slid the pot to the outer edge

of the fire. “Stir it once in a while. I’m going out and see to the stock.”

The stew didn’t seem to be boiling fast enough, so Angel slid the pot

back over the fire again. Then it boiled too fast, and she slid it away. She

hovered, stirring and sliding, sliding and stirring. The heat and work were

draining. She brushed the damp strands of hair back from her forehead. Her

eyes smarted from smoke.

Michael came in with a bucket of water. He slammed it down, sloshing it on

the floor. “Watch out!” He caught her arm and yanked her back from the fire.

“What’re you doing?”

“Your skirt’s smoking. In another minute, you would have been in


“I had to get close enough to stir the stew!” The pot lid was banging, the

meal boiling over the side and hissing on the red coals. Without thinking,

she grabbed the handle. She yelped, swore vilely, and snatched the hook

down again.

“Easy!” Michael warned, but she was in no mood to listen. She yanked

too hard and dislodged the bar. It clanged and the pot fell, dumping the

contents. The fire hissed and sputtered violently. A cloud of smoke billowed

and filled the cabin with the horrible stench of burning stew.

She couldn’t even do this right! Angel threw the iron hook into the fireplace

with the mess and sat in the willow chair. Leaning forward, she held

her aching ribs.


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