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He kissed her again, unable to help himself. “I never had a chance, did

I?” he said, laughing softly.

“No, you didn’t.” She smiled, content. “Michael always said you’d come

around. I just got so tired of waiting.”

From where she stood behind the curtain to the left of the stage, Angel

could hear the men who jammed the casino. The place was a circus, and

Duke was going to put her right in the center ring.

He had already given them a show of dancing girls, jugglers, and acrobats.

Where he had found such people Angel couldn’t even guess, but Duke

had his ways and means. Perhaps he had waved his hand and produced

them from the fire and smoke.

She moved restlessly, and the hand beneath her arm tightened. She

hadn’t been without a guard since Duke had put her in the upstairs room.

There was no escape, and she was sick with dread and fear.

Closing her eyes, Angel fought down the nausea. Maybe she shouldn’t.

Maybe she should go out center stage and vomit. That would dampen the

ardor Duke was inciting in the crowd. She almost laughed, but she knew if

she did she would give in completely to hysteria.

She could hear him, working his audience. He had an orator’s voice. It

had served him well in politics—and afterward, when he decided working

behind the scenes was more lucrative. He was putting a fire beneath the

waiting men, rousing them. She could almost smell their lust. In a few minutes,

she would face it. Hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at her, taking off

her clothes, imagining whatever they wanted to do to her. And Duke would

let them make those imaginings real. For a price. Anything for a high

enough price.

“For a week, you’ll serve them.”

Angel closed her eyes. God, if you’re there, kill me! Please! Send a lightning

bolt, and wipe me off the face of the earth. Send me into oblivion. Send fire. Turn

me into a pillar of salt. Any way you want to do it. Only do it. Please, God, help

me. Help me!

“Easy, little lady,” the man said, smiling down at her coldly.


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