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She couldn’t let herself think of that right now. She entered and looked

around for changes. Everything was so familiar, so plain, so dear. The rough

table, the willow chairs before the fireplace, the bed made out of the wagon

bed, the worn quilts his sister had made. Angel moved to lay a fire and

make the rumpled bed.

Picking up a red wool shirt, she pressed her face into it and inhaled the

scent of Michael’s body. He was the earth and sky and wind. Her breath


What have I done? Why did I throw it all away?

Paul’s words came back: “You’re not even worth two bits.” It was true. She

was a prostitute and that’s all she would ever be. It hadn’t even taken a day

for her to fall right back into her old ways.

Trembling, she folded the shirt carefully and tucked it away in his drawer.

She had to stop thinking. She had to get by as she had always done before.

But how could she now? How?

Her desperate mind worked for answers and none came. I’ll do whatever

he wants for as long as he wants if he’ll let me stay. If he’ll only let me.

Though she had no appetite, she knew Michael would be hungry when

he came in. She took great care with breakfast. While the porridge cooked,

she dusted and swept. An hour passed, then another. Still Michael didn’t


What was he thinking? Was his anger growing? Had he already changed

his mind about bringing her back here? Would he kick her out now? Where

would she go if he did?

Memories of Duke made her stomach twist.

He’s not like Duke.

Every man is Duke when betrayed.

Her mind circled like a bird searching for carrion. Her self-defenses

roused and took up arms against Michael. No one had forced him to come

after her. If he was hurt about what he had seen, he had only himself to

blame. It wasn’t her fault he walked in when he did. It wasn’t her fault he

came at all. Why didn’t he just leave her alone in the first place? She had

never tried to fool him. What did he expect? He knew from the beginning

what he was getting. He knew what she was.


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