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Thanksgiving approached quickly, and Elizabeth grew so large, Angel

thought she looked ready to burst. She and Miriam took over the preparations

for the holiday celebration while Elizabeth watched and advised.

When the day came, the table was laden with stuffed and roasted pheasant,

creamed carrots and peas, potatoes and candied nuts. John had purchased a

cow, and pitchers of milk sat on both ends of the table. Angel hadn’t had a

glass of milk in months, and this delicacy drew her more readily than all the

others she had helped to cook.

“Paul went to town to celebrate,” Miriam said, little inflection in her tone.

“He said the other day he’s thinking of going back to the streams come


“There’s a stream right near his house,” Leah said.

Jacob gave his sister a contemptuous look. “Not with gold in it, dummy.”

“That will do, Jacob,” Elizabeth chided him as she set a rhubarb pie on

the table. Miriam put pumpkin at the other end. When everyone was finished,

the children quickly scattered before they could be drafted into

kitchen duty. John and Michael went outside so John could smoke his pipe.

The aroma made Elizabeth sick in her condition. Miriam went to the well

for water.

Elizabeth sank wearily into a chair and rested her hand on her protruding

belly. “I swear this child is carving his initials on the walls already.”

“How long to go?” Angel asked, scraping leftovers from plates and

putting them into the wash pan on the table.

“Too long.” Elizabeth smiled. “It takes John and Miriam to get me out of

bed in the morning.”

Angel poured a kettle of hot water over the dirty dishes. Glancing at

Elizabeth, she saw the poor woman was exhausted and half asleep. Drying

her hands, she went to her and took her hand. “Elizabeth, you should lie

down and rest.” She helped her up and covered her with a quilt when she lay

down on the bed in the second room. She was asleep almost immediately.

Angel stood by the bed for a long moment. Elizabeth was curled on her

side, her knees drawn up and her hand resting protectively on her unborn


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