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ness. Hadn’t Mama poured out her emotions on Alex Stafford? Hadn’t she

professed her love over and over again? All love had done was destroy her

pride and shame her.

She couldn’t stop thinking about last night. Being with Michael had

made her feel replete, not empty. She had felt a rightness in Michael’s arms, a

sense that this was exactly where she belonged.

Your mother felt the same way about Alex Stafford, and look how

that turned out.

She moaned softly and curled tighter.

If Sam Teal hadn’t come by when he did, she might have weakened and

gone back. And she would have clung to Michael the same way Mama clung

to her father. Sooner or later Michael would tire of her the same way Alex

Stafford tired of Mama.

She thought distance would ease the pain, but it kept getting worse. Her

mind and body, her very essence, longed for him.

Why did I ever meet him? Why did he ever come to Pair-a-Dice? Why did he

have to be standing on the street when I walked by that day? Why did he come

back to the brothel after I drove him away?

She could see his eyes, full of passion and tenderness. “I love you,” he’d

said. “When are you going to understand I’m committed to you?”

“He said he loved me,” Mama had wept. “He said he’d love me forever.”

Angel could feel the tears building and fought them down. All right. She

had fallen in love with Michael and shed a tear, but she had been smart

enough to flee before things got too bad. She had brought more this time

than just the clothes on her back. She would put it all behind her. She

would go east, west, north or south. Whatever she wanted.

“I’ll make it,” she whispered. “I’ll make it on my own.”

Doing what? A voice mocked.

“Something. I’ll find something.”

Sure you will, Angel. Doing what you do best.

“I’ll find some other way to live. I won’t go back to that.”

Yes, you will. What else do you know? Was it really so bad? You had

food and shelter, beautiful clothes, adoration.…

The dark voice kept cadence with the steady clop of the tired horses on


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