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High-class clientele, Paul thought cynically. And for all her prim and

proper clothing, Angel was as brazen as ever. No decent woman would let a

man kiss her on a public street. Not even on the cheek.

Miriam’s words haunted him. “You’ve always judged her. And so wrongly.”

Paul’s mouth pressed tight. Miriam wasn’t here to witness this scene. She

didn’t know anything about women like Angel. He had never been able to

convince her. She had never quite believed in the existence of a girl called

Angel and what she’d done in a brothel in Pair-a-Dice. “You’re not even talking

about the same person,” she said. But he knew what Angel was, even if

Miriam and Michael never faced up to it.

What on God’s green earth had they ever seen in that worthless woman,

to love her with such solid, unchanging devotion? He would never understand


He followed Angel to a simple, two-story clapboard building not far from

Portsmouth Square. There was a sign on the front door. He had to cross the

street to read it. House of Magdalena. There it was, printed for any man to

see. He had known all along. Now what was he going to do? Even if he told

Miriam, she would never believe it. And convincing her would only hurt her


Dejected and angry, Paul walked for a long time. It was Angel’s fault he

was in this situation! She had been a destroyer ever since he first laid eyes on

her. First she’d come between him and his money. He had thrown away gold

once in a vain attempt to spend half an hour with her at the Palace. Then

she came between him and Michael. Now, she was coming between him

and his wife!

He spent the night in a cheap hotel. He ordered supper in the dining

room and then couldn’t eat it. When he went to bed, he couldn’t sleep. He

kept imagining Miriam’s tear-streaked face. “You never even tried to understand

her, Paul. And you don’t understand now. Sometimes I wonder if you

ever will!”

I understand all right, and I want the witch out of my life forever! I wish she

was dead, buried, and forgotten.

Paul slept fitfully and awakened long before dawn with the decision firm

in his mind to go back to the valley. He would lie to Miriam. There was no


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