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didn’t let them fall. “I don’t know what we would’ve done if you and your

husband hadn’t come along.” She put her arms around her four children

while Miriam peered out to see if the men needed assistance. “Everything’s

going to be fine. Papa and Mr. Hosea are fixing the wagon. We’ll be on our

way soon.”

“Do we have to go to Oregon?” Leah whimpered.

Pain flickered in the woman’s face. “Let’s not think about it right now,

dear. We’ll take one day at a time.”

Angel fumbled in the basket. “Are you hungry? We’ve bread and some


“Cheese!” Leah said, her small face brightening, the long journey to

Oregon forgotten. “Oh, yes, please.”

Tears did come then, and Elizabeth wept. Miriam stroked her and murmured

to her. Mortified, Angel didn’t know what to say or do. Not looking

at the weeping woman, she cut slices of cheese for the smaller children.

Elizabeth coughed again, and her crying stopped. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“You’re worn out,” Miriam said. “It’s the fever,” she told Angel. “She

hasn’t had any strength since it hit her.”

Angel held out a wedge of cheese and bread, and Elizabeth touched her

hand tenderly before taking it. Little Ruth pushed off her mother’s lap and

stood in front of her. Angel felt alarmed and then surprised when the child

reached out and touched the golden braid that had slipped over her shoulder

and hung to her waist. “Angel, Mama?” Heat flooded Angel’s face.

Elizabeth smiled through her tears. Her soft laugh was full of pleasure.

“Yes, darling. An angel of mercy.”

Angel could not look at them. What would Elizabeth Altman say if she

knew the truth? She got up and went to the back of the wagon to peer out.

Michael had raised the Altmans’ wagon, and the man was fitting the wheel.

She wanted to get out of the wagon, but the rain was coming now in

sheets—Michael would just send her back. Every muscle in her body was

taut when she looked back at Elizabeth with her adoring children all around


Miriam took her hand, startling her. “They’ll have it fixed in no time,”


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