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“Age hasn’t anything to do with years in my business.”

“It’s not your business anymore, is it? You’re married to Michael. That

part of your life is over.”

Angel looked away. “It’s never over, Miriam.”

“Not when you carry it around like so much baggage.”

Angel gave her a startled look. She laughed mirthlessly. “You and Michael

have a lot in common.” He had told her the same thing once. Neither one of

them could understand. You didn’t just walk away and say things had never

happened. They had, and they left deep, raw, gaping wounds. Even when

the wounds healed, there were scars. “‘Just walk away and forget,’” she

mocked. “It’s never that simple.”

Miriam toyed with a blade of hay and changed the subject. “I imagine it

would take a great deal of effort, but wouldn’t it be worth it?”

“It always catches up with you.”

“Maybe you just don’t have enough faith yet in Michael.”

Angel didn’t want to discuss Michael, especially with a nubile girl like

this one, who was far better suited for him than she was.

“I was walking the other morning and saw a cabin,” Miriam said. “Do

you know who lives there?”

“Michael’s brother-in-law, Paul. His wife died coming west.”

Miriam’s dark eyes were alight with curiosity. “Why doesn’t he ever come

to visit Michael? Are they feuding?”

“No. He’s just not very friendly.”

“Is he older or younger than Michael?”


Her smile was playful. “How much younger?”

Angel shrugged. “In his early twenties, I guess.” She could see where this

was going and didn’t like it. Miriam reminded her of Rebecca, the prostitute

who’d been so intrigued with Michael.

“Is he handsome?” Miriam persisted.

“I suppose to a virginal young girl anyone without warts and buckteeth

would be handsome.”

Miriam laughed. “Well, I am sixteen. Most girls are married by now, and I

haven’t even a beau on the horizon. Naturally, I’m interested in who’s avail-


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