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from Pair-a-Dice. She never had any feelings for Michael other than feelings

of convenience. Not in the beginning and not in the end. She hasn’t got a

heart. Don’t be such a fool!”

Miriam’s eyes welled at his attack. She had seen her father get angry

many times, but he never lashed out against those who loved him. She

couldn’t keep silent. “You’re the one who never knew her, Paul. You never

even tried—”

“Don’t defend her to me! I knew her,” he said harshly. “I knew her better

than you or Michael. You both saw what she wanted you to see. I saw what

she really was.”

Miriam lifted her head. She wasn’t going to sit silent while he violated

her friend. “You saw Amanda as some vile creature that wasn’t even worthy

of your slightest courtesy.”

His face grew livid. “Are you reprimanding me for not falling under her

spell like the rest of you? In my own house?”

Miriam’s lips parted. He might as well have put a sword through her

heart. “Then it’s only your home now, even though we’re married?” she said

in a constricted voice. “I’m just a guest until you decide to cast me out. God

help me if I do anything wrong, if I prove to be fallible.”

Paul regretted his words before she even began speaking. “Miriam, I


Her own anger was growing swiftly. “I suppose I’ve no right to my own

thoughts or beliefs if they’re contrary to your own. Is that it, Paul?” She

stood and pointed to the door. “If I want to speak my mind, I have to go

outside to do it. Or better yet, be sure I’m on the other side of your boundary


Guilt killed his remorse. Her words struck at his conscience, and he

lashed out again in defense. “You know that’s not what I meant!” When she

started to cry, he wilted. “Miriam, don’t,” he groaned.

“I don’t know what you mean anymore, Paul. You’re eaten up with bitterness.

You carry your hatred like a banner, waving it all the time. You

won’t say what it was Amanda did to you to make you hate her, so it makes

me wonder if you weren’t a party to it!” Paul could feel the heat coming up

into his face, his temper rising with it. He started to defend himself, but


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