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see her as beautiful. Paul didn’t intend to make any judgments until he saw

her for himself. “Let me put up in the barn tonight,” he said. “I’m dead on

my feet, and I’d like to meet your wife after I’ve cleaned up.”

Michael brought him a blanket, soap, and a change of clothes. Paul was

too tired to even get on his feet. All he could do now was lean back against

the wall, feet outstretched. Michael came back again with a hot meal. “You

should eat something, old man. You’re skin and bones.”

Paul smiled weakly. “Did you tell her there was a filthy beggar in the


“She didn’t ask.” He pitched hay. “Burrow into this with the blanket and

you’ll be warm enough tonight.”

“It’ll be like heaven after hard ground for so many months.” It was the

first roof over his head in weeks. He tasted the stew and raised his brows.

“You got yourself a good cook. Thank her for me, would you?” He wolfed

down the rest and wilted into the hay. “I’m tired. I don’t think I’ve ever been

so tired.” He couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore. The last thing he saw

was Michael bending down to cover him with a thick blanket. All the tension

he had carried for months left him.

Paul awakened to a horse whinnying. He was stiff and sore when he got up.

Stretching, he went to look out the barn door. Michael was digging a hole

for a fencepost. He leaned against the wall watching him for a long while.

Then he went back to the hay and got the borrowed clothing.

He bathed down at the creek so he wouldn’t offend Michael’s wife. He

shaved off his beard. Shrugging into Michael’s red wool shirt, he went to

help him.

Michael stopped work and leaned on his shovel. “I wondered when you

were going to wake up. You’ve slept two days clean through.”

Paul grinned. “Just goes to show you panning gold is harder work than

putting up fences.”

Michael laughed. “Come on back to the house. Amanda will have breakfast


Paul was beginning to look forward to a woman being around. He


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