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Weeping may last for the night,

But a shout of joy comes in the morning.


30:5 B

Sarah and Michael shared many happy years together. On their seventh

anniversary, their prayers were answered with the birth of a son, Stephen.

Stephen was followed by Luke, Lydia, and Esther. Miriam and Paul also

remained happy and had three sons, Mark, David, and Nathan.

Both families prospered and remained lifelong friends. Together they

built a community church and school and welcomed many more settlers to

their valley.

Susanna Axle remained at the House of Magdalena until her death in

1892. With her help, dozens of young women once trapped into prostitution

crossed the threshold to better lives. Several married well and became

leading citizens.

Though Sarah’s family grew rich and famous—eventually including doctors,

ambassadors, missionaries, and even a much-decorated veteran of San

Juan Hill—she returned for one week each year to the House of Magdalena.

As long as she was physically able, she walked through the Barbary Coast

and down to the docks, talking with young prostitutes and encouraging

them to change their lives. When asked why, she said, “I never want to forget

where I came from and all God has done for me.” She frequently

returned from the docks to the House of Magdalena holding an Angel by the



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