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netting and enough Panama hats to last the population along the isthmus a

decade.” He welcomed them into a neat parlor that overlooked the river. A

Mexican cook served a savory meal of roast beef and potatoes on elegant

china. Joseph poured a fine imported tea for them. Even the knives, forks,

and spoons were silver.

Joseph did most of the talking. “I think I’ve just about convinced my

family to leave New York and come west. Mama said the only way she’ll

agree is if I’ll take a wife.”

Michael grinned across the table at him. “Did you tell her to bring you


“I didn’t have to. She already had one picked out and packed up, ready

to come west.”

Dinner finished, Joseph poured coffee. The two men talked politics and

religion. Neither agreed with the other’s viewpoint, but the conversation

continued amicably unabated. She was drowsy. She didn’t care that

California had become a state or that mining companies were taking over

the gold country or that Joseph insisted Jesus was a prophet and not the

Messiah he was waiting for. She didn’t care if the river was rising with the

rain. She didn’t care if a shovel cost three hundred dollars while a new plow

cost seventy.

“We’ve put Angel to sleep,” Joseph observed, adding another log to the

fire. “The second bedroom is right through that door.” Joseph watched

Michael lift his wife tenderly and carry her in. He swirled the coffee in his

cup and finished it. He had been watching Angel since spotting her by his

Franklin stove. She was one of those rare beauties that caught a man’s breath

no matter how many times he had seen her before.

When Michael came back in and sat down, Joseph smiled. “I’ll never forget

the look on your face the first time you saw her. I thought you were

crazy when I heard you married her.” Good men were often destroyed by

obsessions with fallen women, and he had worried about Michael. Joseph

had never known a more mismatched pair. A saint and a sinner. “You seem

pretty much the same.”

Michael laughed and took up his cup. “Did you expect me to change?”

“I expected her to feast on your heart.”


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