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“Grateful? He treated you like a slave, took away your inheritance, your

family, everything. And you’re grateful?”

“Without all that, I might never have come to know the Lord, and in the

end, my father had more reason to hate me,” Michael said. “When I left,

Paul and Tess came with me. Tessie was special to him. Very special. And

now she’s dead.”

Angel saw the tears in his eyes. He didn’t try to hide them.

“She would have liked you,” he said, reaching out and touching her

cheek. “She could see into people.” Without thinking, Angel put her hand

over his, moved by his sadness. His smile made her heart twist. “Oh,

beloved,” he said. “Your walls are coming down.”

She took her hand away. “Joshua blowing his horn.”

He laughed. “I love you,” he said. “I love you very much.” He drew her

into his arms and lay back with her in the grass. Rolling her beneath him, he

kissed her gently at first, then more thoroughly. She felt a quickening inside

her, a soft, warm curling in her belly, yet she felt neither threatened nor

used. When he drew back slightly, she saw the look in his eyes. Oh.

“Sometimes I forget what I’m waiting for,” he said huskily. He stood,

drawing her up with him. “Come on. I’ll hitch up the horses.”

Bemused, Angel folded the blanket and put the basket back beneath the

seat. Resting her arms on the side of the wagon, she watched Michael bring

the horses back. There was power in the way he moved. As he harnessed

the horses, she watched the strength of his shoulders and hands.

Straightening, he turned to her. He lifted her to the high seat and stepped

up beside her. When he took the reins he smiled at her, and without the

least hesitation, she found herself smiling back.

It began to rain as they traveled. Michael stopped to put up the canvas

while she wrapped herself in the blanket. When he sat with her again, he

put a second blanket around them both. She felt comfortably snug next to


Five miles down the road, they came upon a broken-down covered

wagon. A haggard man and woman were trying to raise it enough to put on

a repaired wheel. Nearby, sheltered beneath a massive oak, a dark-haired girl

hugged four small children around her.


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