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wall. She hadn’t thought a few cutting remarks from a naive girl could hurt

so deeply. Flinging the things away from her, she pressed her fists against

her eyes.

Miriam came in quietly and picked them up. Angel waited for her to

leave with them, but she sat down instead.

“I’m sorry I spoke so crossly to you,” she said meekly. “I’m far too outspoken.”

“You say what you think.”

“Yes, I do. Please accept Mama’s gift, Amanda. She’ll be so hurt if you

don’t. She’s worked on these things for days, and it took her all morning to

get up nerve enough to give them to you. ‘Every young bride should have

something special,’ she said. If you give them back, she’ll know she’s offended


Angel drew her knees up tightly against her chest. She felt trapped by

Miriam’s entreaty. “I would have gone right past all of you on the road that

day.” Grimacing inwardly, she held Miriam’s gaze. “You knew, didn’t you?”

Miriam smiled slightly. “You don’t really mind now we’re here, do you? I

don’t think you knew what to make of us at first. But that’s changed, hasn’t

it? Ruthie saw through you right away. Contrary to what you may believe,

she doesn’t take to everyone she meets. Not the way she has to you. And I

love you, too, whether you like it or not.”

Angel pressed her lips together and said nothing.

Miriam took the camisole and pantalets and folded them onto her lap.

“What do you say?”

“They’re very lovely things. You should keep them.”

“I already have some tucked away in my hope chest. Until I’m a new

bride, flour sacks will do very nicely.”

Angel could see she wasn’t going to get anywhere with this girl.

“You don’t know what to make of us, do you?” Miriam said. “Sometimes

you look at me so strangely. Was your life so very different from mine?”

“More different than you could ever imagine,” Angel said bleakly.

“Mama said it’s good to talk things out.”

Angel arched a brow. “I wouldn’t think to discuss my life with a child.”

“I’m sixteen. Hardly that much younger than you.”


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