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young and full of innocent mischief. What Angel could not comprehend

was why this girl should want to be her friend. She knew she should discourage

her, but Miriam grew obtuse at her rebuffs and continued to tease

and delight her.

Starved of any family life as a child, Angel did not know what was

expected of her when she and Michael spent evenings in the cabin with the

family. She sat quietly and observed. She was captivated by the respectful

camaraderie between John and Elizabeth Altman and their five children.

John was a hard man who seldom smiled, but it was clear he adored his

children—and that he had a special affection for his eldest daughter, despite

their constant arguing.

Dark-eyed Andrew and his father were much alike in appearance and

manner. Jacob was gregarious and given to practical jokes. Leah was solemn

and shy. Little Ruth, open and bright, was the darling of the whole family.

For some reason Angel could not contemplate, the child adored her.

Perhaps it was her blonde hair that drew Ruthie’s infatuation. Whatever it

was, every time she and Michael came in to join the family, Ruthie sat at her


It amused Miriam. “They say dogs and children can always pick a tenderhearted

person. Can’t argue with that, now, can you?”

For a full week after they moved in, Elizabeth was too weak to get out of

bed. Angel cooked and took care of the household duties while Miriam saw

to her mother and the children. Michael and John dug up stumps in the

field. When they came in for supper, John sat with his wife and held her

hand, talking to her softly while the children played pick-up sticks and

string games.

Watching John, Angel was reminded of all those weeks Michael had

cared for her after Magowan’s beating. She remembered his tender care and

consideration. He had tolerated her worst insults with quiet patience. He

was in his own element with these people. She was the one who didn’t


Angel couldn’t help but make comparisons. Her father had hated her

enough even before she was born to want her thrown away like so much

trash. Her mother had been so obsessed with him that she had almost for-


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