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<strong>true</strong> <strong>hallucinations</strong>.<strong>htm</strong><br />



In which Dennis reveals his strategy for commencing the Great Work.<br />

The MORNING OF MARCH 2, 1971, dawned crystalline and hot at La Chorrera. It was the much anticipated day when Ev, Dennis, and I<br />

would at last be able to take possession of the house in the forest, which was finally being vacated. This particular morning there was more<br />

than the usual amount of excitement associated with our frequent moves. For three days, ever since the glossolalia episode of the twentyseventh,<br />

Dennis had been saying that the energy of the phenomenon was so great that we should not go any further unless we had the greater<br />

isolation that the forest house provided.<br />

Our move began shortly after dawn in order to avoid the heat of the day. The trek to move ourselves and our equipment to the new home<br />

involved going through pastures we had not seen since our mushroom experience three days before. The Stropharia seemed to be everywhere.<br />

There seemed not to be a cow-pie without its golden flush of perfect mushrooms. I promised myself that as soon as we had squared away the<br />

new hut and otherwise settled in, that we should again take the mushroom.<br />

However, in all of our recent surge of speculation, our original ethnobotanical intentions, the search for the elusive Oo-koo-he, had<br />

not been forgotten. Far from it. Our immediate intent was to use ayahuasca as a MAO-inhibitor and a problem-solving drug, and to brew and<br />

take the Banisteriopsis caapi that Ev and I had gotten from Basilio a few days before.<br />

As it happened, Ev and I spent the rest of the day following the move clearing the ground around the hut and pulling large tree roots out of the<br />

sandy soil. We stacked them in the sun to dry out so they could serve as fuel for the fire we needed to brew up our ayahuasca. We seemed to<br />

glory in physical exertion. Energy and light seemed to fill everything. Taking his notebook, Dennis, who had been rather withdrawn and<br />

snappish since his experience with inner sound and its mixed reception by us, wandered down the forest trail in the direction of the Witoto<br />

village thirteen kilometers away.<br />

In the middle of the afternoon he returned, very excited. He had completed writing out the preliminary notes for what became "the experiment<br />

at La Chorrera." It is the only written record of his ideas that was actually made at the time, and as such, it is the only piece of written, primary<br />

evidence that we have about how we viewed what we were doing as we were doing it.<br />

These notes do not of course represent the final form of our theorizing about these matters and are not at all to be taken at face value.<br />

Refinement of these ideas has been constant since their creation.* But how complete the vision was and how finely worked its detail! The<br />

theory that is represented in my brother's notes remains the operational basis for understanding the effect that was triggered on March fifth at<br />

the conclusion of the experiment. His notes were our working blueprint, and they were very effective. They are not, however, for the reader of<br />

faint heart, since they read like the words of an alchemical text. Alchemy is a test of the limits of language as much as a test of the limits of<br />

matter. Alchemical machinery runs smoothest in the imagination. Magicians will wish to linger over these alchemical mutterings, which I will<br />

help decipher in the next<br />

[*The scientific basis of our work is elaborately described in The Invisible Landscape. That work represented our considered, composite<br />

opinion as of 1975. Since then these ideas have been much revised as the myths and fallacies spun into the fabric of their first conception have<br />

been separated out.]<br />

chapter. The rest of my readers might wish to skim over them and hurry on with what is, even without the adumbrations of arcane theory, a<br />

ripping good story:<br />

March 2,1971<br />

Further experiments with the psycho-audible warp phenomenon yesterday raise some interesting new questions and enhance our ongoing<br />

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