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true hallucinations.htm - Shroomery

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<strong>true</strong> <strong>hallucinations</strong>.<strong>htm</strong><br />

Chorrera. Belem means Bethlehem in Portuguese. My perceptions, sensitive to any messianic possibility, seized on this. Belem is Bethlehem;<br />

it lies at the delta of the Amazon. Delta is the symbol for change in time; delta in Joyce's fiction and among graffiti artists throughout history<br />

represents the vagina. Dennis was born in Delta, Colorado. Was it possible that all of our experiences could have been a premonition of an<br />

event at a time and place two years hence in Brazil? Was this why, absurdly, at the conclusion of the experiment at La Chorrera, the strains of<br />

"Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" had come echoing through my mind? By late spring of 1972, I knew everything that I have just mentioned.<br />

Why did the wave point to December 22, 1973? And why was there such a stream of coincidence pointing to that time? Had I known of the<br />

impending eclipse on some unconscious level? Had I known it would achieve totality over Belem? Why did the dates that were important to<br />

my life line up with that date according to the wave I had learned to construct in the wake of the UFO encounter at La Chorrera? To me<br />

it seemed impossible that I had somehow known these things and manipulated my conscious self to imagine that it was "discovering" these<br />

things. I was like a snow-blind traveler caught in a blizzard of coincidence.<br />

Finally, in the early spring of 1973, an event occurred that offered perfect proof that something larger than my unconscious, seemingly larger<br />

even than the total collective consciousness of the human race, was at work. This was the discovery of the comet Ko-hotek, heralded as the<br />

largest comet in human history, dwarfing even Halley's Comet.<br />

"Brightest Comet Ever Headed Toward Earth" was the headline in the San Francisco Chronicle. As I scanned the article, I actually let out a<br />

yell of amazement. The comet would make its nearest approach to the sun on the twenty-third of December! A non-periodic comet, unknown<br />

to anyone on earth until March of 1973, was hurtling toward a rendezvous with the sun within a hundred hours of the solstice and the eclipse<br />

over the Amazon. It was a large coincidence, if we define a coincidence as an improbability that deeply impresses its observer. This<br />

coincidence is not diminished by the fact that Kohotek never really lived up to expectations, for the expectations alone became a wave of<br />

millenarianism and apocalyptic restlessness among the fringes of the population that would die only as the comet returned to the darkness out<br />

of which it emerged. Did anything happen in Belem on the day of the eclipse? I do not know; I was not there. I was by then a prisoner of<br />

mundane obligation. But I do know that the compression of events that occurred around that date, and the way in which the charts predicted<br />

this, were uncanny.<br />

Only with the development of personal computers was I able to understand the way that the timewave describes the ebb and flow of novelty in<br />

time over many different spans of time: some last scant minutes, others endure for centuries. Now anyone who becomes operationally familiar<br />

with the theory can join me in this intellectual adventure and see for themselves the immense challenge involved in predicting a concrescence.<br />

I have not been content to merely understand the theory: I have continued efforts to apply it specifically to predicting the course of future<br />

events. If over years of study one becomes convinced that the wave does<br />

show the future course of novelty, then the ordinary anticipation of the future is gradually replaced with an almost Zen-like appreciation and<br />

understanding of the complete pattern.<br />

Was the above series of events the first intimation that I had that something of importance was connected with a specific date in time and the<br />

city of Belem? Strangely, no; it was not. I must mention the following incident in order to connect the history of my own unconscious<br />

processes with the curiously specific and puzzling piece of information that was seeking to emerge from me.<br />

In the spring of 1970, I had been in Taipai, Taiwan, readjusting to city life after a long, butterfly-collecting ramble through the outback of<br />

Indonesia. I was killing time awaiting a traveling companion, who I had last seen in Bali several months before. One night, I had a very<br />

peculiar dream. It occurred, though I did not know it, on the very day that my father and Dennis were told that our mother was dying of<br />

cancer. That was something that I would not learn until nearly a week later. My journal records the dream as follows:<br />

May 24, 1970<br />

Dhyanna and I were walking up a gentle, grassy slope. Below us on all sides the valleys were filled with scudding white clouds, tops<br />

brilliantly reflecting the sun back into thedepthless azure. Ahead of us the steeply rolling hills ascended—many miles away, as I remarked,<br />

into the main range of the Rockies. We were in dream geography, somewhere in Western Colorado [where I was born and lived until I was<br />

sixteen]. As we continued upward, Herr B. [an Indonesian acquaintance], came to meet us wearing white tennis shorts and drew our attention<br />

to several small meteorological balloons whose dangling nylon cords had caught in nearby wind-bent trees. To our left, upon a crest, deeply<br />

dimpled, blazing white, and perhaps thirty feet high, was a large balloon perhaps three-quarters filled with gas. The ropes enclosing the gas<br />

bag cut deeply into it, sectioning it as though it were a great, bleached orange. As we gazed, Herr B. depressed a lever that had appeared from<br />

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