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true hallucinations.htm - Shroomery

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<strong>true</strong> <strong>hallucinations</strong>.<strong>htm</strong><br />

certain that this had in fact occurred—but for a much longer time than we had anticipated. In fact, I still believe that our only error throughout<br />

this entire experiment and the events following it has been our inability to correctly predict the duration of the process. I believe that our<br />

understanding of the mechanics of the process, aside from its duration, has been correct, though still incomplete. Time is still, in other words,<br />

the crux of this matter. At times my brothers free associations consisted of incidents which I had experienced more than a year previously and<br />

more than ten thousand miles from where Dennis was then living—incidents about which I had spoken to no one.<br />

Dennis seemed to possess the ability to hear my mind working during the period immediately after the experiment. I illustrate by recalling an<br />

incident when I was sitting outside of our jungle hut listening to his free association, having noticed a few moments before that his muscles<br />

were almost rigid with the enormous physical energy associated with some types of schizophrenia. I worried that he might at some future time<br />

resist my efforts to keep him from wandering away on the archetypal errands that constantly motivated him to try to leave our immediate<br />

living area. It occurred to me that with such strength he could easily injure me or perhaps escape. While mulling over this disturbing<br />

possibility for the first time, I noticed that Dennis had left his hammock and was standing in the doorway of the hut; in a perfect imitation of<br />

our father's voice, he consoled me with the spoken thought that "Dennis is a good lad and would never do a thing like that."<br />

Another incident occurred seven days after the reversal began, on March 12. Dennis announced that at eleven o'clock that night<br />

the "good shit" would appear. This was a reference to a kind of psilocybin-enriched hashish that Dennis claimed he had encountered a few<br />

months before leaving the States, but which would be impossible to find in the Amazon. This prediction of a material transmutation is not so<br />

odd when the alchemical concerns and ideas that led us into this experiment are recalled. After all, we had been reading and discussing<br />

alchemical ideas ever since I had discovered Jung's Psychology and Alchemy, at age fourteen. It had seemed to us then that in the projection<br />

of the phantasms of the unconscious onto matter, the alchemists were achieving a kind of psychedelic state of understanding. And, after all,<br />

isn't the alchemical faith really a faith that the world is made of language? That poetry can somehow be the final arbiter of authentic being?<br />

After this conversation, Ev and I returned through rainy darkness to the forest house for the night and Dennis stayed at the river house with<br />

Vanessa and Dave, where he had moved by this time. As was our custom, we smoked a bit of our Santa Marta Gold before turning in. During<br />

this process, a small fragment fell, still burning, from the pipe. As I picked it up to return it to the pipe, the characteristic odor of Asian hashish<br />

was very noticeable. I examined the pipe's bowl very carefully and, though no change in the physical appearance of the smoking mixture had<br />

occurred, it was now definitely, to my own satisfaction and to that of skeptical Ev, behaving exactly like hashish—a luxury absolutely<br />

unknown in the Amazon in 1971.<br />

This phenomenon persisted for about five minutes and then slowly faded, returning to the rational continuum of normal behavior for materials.<br />

It is to be regretted that this transmutation occurred with a substance where any skeptic will be at ease in venting his or her scorn. We are all<br />

familiar with the facile view that "pot-heads can't think straight," but to anyone who has in-depth involvement with these two substances the<br />

difference is unmistakable. This experience contained a number of parallels to the Nijuli movement among the Lawangan people of Borneo,<br />

who in the early 1920s promulgated ideas centering around the claim that a piece of resin had suddenly become longer through the influence<br />

of a flute played nearby, and that the lengthening of the resin foreshadowed human immortality.<br />

Equally absurd and even more inexplicable was an incident that occurred on the morning of the fifth day, or the ninth of March. Dennis was<br />

sitting and raving to no one in particular with the normal camp life going on around him. I was sitting near the cooking fire sharpening the<br />

expedition's buck knife. I listened while Dennis raved, scanning his ramblings for a hint of a message. Suddenly I stopped my work.<br />

"Are you my tailor?" He demanded, in a strong English accent.<br />

That seemed familiar to me from somewhere.<br />

"All these reflections. See. It's me. Uh, but where is my tailor, my silly? Look, look at you, cor, why you've got my knickers on!"<br />

I blushed deeply. I looked at the ground and said nothing. I felt very boxed in. Dennis was imitating the conversation that I had had with my<br />

English friend in Nepal, after I had come looking for her and had returned with her delirious to my room during our LSD and DMT trip more<br />

than a year before! This crazy conversation, which I had never discussed with anyone save her, was now booming out over our Amazon<br />

clearing in the mad voice of my brother.<br />

It was hardly the sort of situation in which I wanted to exalt my brother's prowess as a telepath. I said nothing and waited, squirming, for his<br />

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