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true hallucinations.htm - Shroomery

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<strong>true</strong> <strong>hallucinations</strong>.<strong>htm</strong><br />

the same set of images. Why? Did this circle of alchemical adepts penetrate the mystery to a secret undreamed of by their contemporaries and<br />

competition?<br />

Images flashed before my mind's eye: Nicholas Flamel and his wife, Pemelle, their legendary love affair and their unknown end. Mutus Liber<br />

("the silent book") depicts a couple working at a furnace; it almost looks as though they are drying mushrooms. How sophisticated did<br />

alchemy become before Enlightenment science scattered the adepts and rendered their control language inoperable?<br />

In the pasture each foggy morning, when I demanded of Dennis that he give me the philosopher's stone, it was both pressure upon him to<br />

reformulate his consciousness into a unity and something that served to focus the transference potential that was so intense as to again and<br />

again threaten to engulf us. Not sleeping, being awake constantly, I was both in the world of the developing situation at La Chorrera and also<br />

in the world into which my brother had become psycho-topologically enmeshed—a dimensional vortex beyond which seemed to be eternity,<br />

the land of the dead, all human history, and the UFOs. It was a world whose unseen, cybernetic chroniclers spoke to us telepathically in our<br />

minds and revealed that we and all humanity were in the act of once again becoming able to go between these alien dimensions and our own<br />

to re-establish the es-chatological shamanism lost scores of millennia ago.<br />

At one point I picked up a stick and in the sandy soil of our living area I scratched the shorthand symbol for "and." I called it "the ampersand."<br />

I found its binding fold in one corner of a quaternary<br />

structure to be very satisfying. I began to imagine this symbol as the symbol of the condensation of the alchemical lapis. To me it appeared to<br />

be the natural symbol for a four-dimensional universe somehow bound into a 3-D matrix. I spoke of it as the ampersand for several days, then<br />

I called it "the eschaton." This I imagined as a basic unit of time; the combination and resonance among the set of eschatons in the universe<br />

determined which of the possible worlds allowed by physics would actually undergo the formality of occurring. "The formality of actually<br />

occurring" was a phrase from Whitehead that kept echoing through my thoughts like the refrain of a half-forgotten song. I imagined that at the<br />

end of time all the eschatons would resonate together as a unity and thereby create an ontological transformation of reality—the end of time as<br />

a kind of garden of earthly delights.*<br />

Occasionally I would seem to catch the mechanics of what was happening to us in action. Lines from half-forgotten movies and snippets of<br />

old science fiction, once consumed like popcorn, reappeared in collages of half-understood associations. Punch lines from old jokes and<br />

vaguely remembered dreams spiraled in a slow galaxy of interleaved memories and anticipations. From such experiences I concluded that<br />

whatever was happening, part of it involved all the information that we had ever accumulated, down to the most trivial details. The<br />

overwhelming impression was that something possibly from outer space or from another dimension was contacting us. It was doing so<br />

through the peculiar means of using every thought in our heads to lead us into telepathically induced scenarios of extravagant imaginings, or<br />

deep theoretical understandings, or in-depth<br />

[* These were the first faint stirrings of thoughts that were to lead eventually to the development of my own theory of time described in The<br />

Invisible Landscape. These early intuitions bore no resemblance to the final theory; and it is just as well that they did not, for at that time I<br />

would have been completely unable to understand the theory that I was finally to develop. It took years of reading and self-education to keep<br />

track of the things that the internal voice was saying. Its presence and persistence over the years since La Chorrera has been amazing. That day<br />

at La Chorrera, the voice had a holistic and systems-oriented approach to things that did seem to be slightly of another order—not enough to<br />

be alarming, but enough to repeatedly remind me that the ideas I was producing were coming fully organized from somewhere else, and I was<br />

nothing more than a message decipherer, hard-pressed to keep up with a difficult, incoming code.]<br />

scannings of strange times, places, and worlds. The source of this unearthly contact was the Stropharia cubensis and our experiment.<br />

Our collective intelligence was not compromised, but what was compromised was the ability of reason to give a coherent account of what was<br />

going on, as paradox, coincidence, and general synchronistic strangeness began to increase exponentially. Into the vacuum left by the collapse<br />

of reason rushed a staggering array of exotic intuitions about why things were as they were.<br />

Shortly after breakfast on the morning of the seventh, the third day following the experiment, Dennis announced a new teaching. He said that<br />

one could see any point in time by closing one's eyes, visualizing an eight, turning it on its side so that it approximated the sign for infinity,<br />

and then mentally sliding the two closed rings over each other to form a circle, shrinking the circle to a dot, and thinking the word "please"<br />

and the target point in space-time. Usually I knew not whence these images came to him; however, this time I was amazed. I recalled with<br />

perfect clarity that six weeks before, shortly before I left Vancouver, British Columbia, I had gone to a dentist as part of the standard pre-<br />

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