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true hallucinations.htm - Shroomery

true hallucinations.htm - Shroomery


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<strong>true</strong> <strong>hallucinations</strong>.<strong>htm</strong><br />

we are in our bodies and our historical milieus, to be somehow the expression of the final purpose of things.<br />

The timewave predicted its own end within our lifetimes; actually only a decade after the turn of the century, a time of such novelty that<br />

beyond it there could be nothing less than the end of time itself. This was the most puzzling of all, more puzzling than its personal,<br />

idiosyncratic side, this implicit "end of time": a period when a transition of regimes would take place that would completely transform the<br />

modalities of reality.<br />

I was familiar with the idea of eschatology—the end of time— in a religious context, but it had never before occurred to me that regimes in<br />

nature might undergo sudden shifts that would reshuffle natural laws. There is nothing against it really. It is simply that science, in order to<br />

function, must assume that physical laws are not dependent on the time and the context in which they are tested. If this were not so, the idea of<br />

the experiment would have no meaning, since experiments performed at different times might then give different results.<br />

For years I continued to elaborate this theory and to clarify my own understanding of the theory-forming enterprise generally. I succeeded<br />

finally in 1974 in achieving a completely formal, mathematical quantification of the fractal structure that I had unearthed inside the structure<br />

of the / Ching. Throughout the eighties I worked, first with Peter Broadwell and then with Peter Meyer, to create personal computer software,<br />

which I called Timewave Zero, that allowed careful study of this wave. The computer is a powerful tool that made it possible to greatly refine<br />

my notions of what constituted proof or disconfirmation of the theory. Today my conclusion regarding these matters is that the theory of the<br />

fractal and cyclical nature of novelty's ingression into the world is a truly self-consistent and completely mathematical theory. It is <strong>true</strong> to<br />

itself. And it returns the human drama and our own lives to the very center of the universal stage.<br />

It is possible, in a certain sense, that all states of liberation are nothing more than perfect knowledge of the contents of eternity. If one knows<br />

what is contained in time from its beginning to its end you are somehow no longer in time. Even though you still have a body and still eat and<br />

do what you do, you have discovered something that liberates you into a satisfying all-at-onceness. There are other satisfactions that arise out<br />

of the theory that are not touched<br />

on in this formulation. Times are related to each other—things happen for a reason and the reason is not a causal one. Resonance, that<br />

mysterious phenomenon in which a vibrating string seems magically to invoke a similar vibration in another string or object that is physically<br />

unconnected, suggested itself as a model for the mysterious property that related one time to another even though they may be separated by<br />

days, years, or even millennia. I became convinced that there is a wave, or a system of resonances, that conditions events on all levels. This<br />

wave is fractal and self-referential, much like many of the most interesting new curves and objects being described at the frontiers of research<br />

mathematics. This timewave is expressed throughout the universe on a number of extremely discrete levels. It causes atoms to be atoms, cells<br />

to be cells, minds to be minds, and stars to be stars. What I am suggesting is a new metaphysics, a metaphysics with mathematical rigor;<br />

something that is not simply a new belief or new religious conviction. Rather this insight takes the form of a formal proposition.<br />

I would be the first to admit that it has not been possible to find a bridge between this theory and normal physics. Such a bridge may be<br />

neither possible nor necessary. We may find that normal science indicates what is possible, while the time theory I propose offers an<br />

explanation for what is. It is a theory that seems to explain how, of the class of all things possible, some events and things undergo the<br />

formality of actually occurring. It is clear to me that the theory cannot be disproven from without; it can only be disproven by being found<br />

inconsistent within itself. Anyone is welcome to dismantle it if they are able; this is what I have attempted to do and failed.<br />

By November 16, 1971, I had begun to realize that the chart had too many variables to ever function as a predictive map of the future. It<br />

would be necessary, I realized then, to quantify somehow the various parameters of the wave so that judgments concerning it could be less<br />

subject to personal bias. My last piece of writing at La Cho-rrera was done on the morning of the sixteenth, my twenty-fifth birthday. It was a<br />

kind of fable:<br />

November 16, 1971<br />

Two old friends, Arabian somehow, yet more ancient, sit in a palace far older than themselves, set on a mountainside surrounded by<br />

vineyards, date palms, and citrus orchards. Insomniac and affable, they pass the long starry hours preceding dawn in the smoking of hashish<br />

and the propounding of riddles.<br />

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