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true hallucinations.htm - Shroomery

true hallucinations.htm - Shroomery


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<strong>true</strong> <strong>hallucinations</strong>.<strong>htm</strong><br />

Dennis was predisposed to an archetypal submergence. I believe that somehow, in a single moment, he bound up all the MAO in his body, and<br />

his derangement was due to the lag time that was required to rebuild his MAO level from a complete and sudden inhibition. I believe that this<br />

sudden depletion was caused by his experiment and that vocally induced, resonance canceling of the forces that normally operate in these<br />

molecules caused major changes in his body chemistry. In short, I believe that he induced an irreversible MAO inhibition in his body through<br />

the use of psilo-cybin and his voice and will.<br />

If this is <strong>true</strong>, then the implication for humankind may be every bit as great as we, in our inflated state of mind, supposed, since it hints at a<br />

pharmacological technology by which humankind might explore the parallel continuum whose interaction with our own existence is signified<br />

by the visionary experience. We had brushed against an effect that someday may open a door to all the worlds teeming in our dreams and<br />

imaginations. Certainly it is an effect to be studied and learned from. Today, years after the experiment, it still seems full of great promise. My<br />

continued interest in these matters is based on the personal belief that some unusual and still unconfirmed effect was at work in our<br />

experiment, something like the principle of resonance-canceling that Dennis was so intrigued by.<br />

Breakfast on March 7, the second day following the experiment, was closed with a hot discussion of whether Dennis had really gone to the<br />

chorro or only dreamed that he had. As the rhetoric exhausted itself, Vanessa drew me away from the hut, and we walked along as I went to<br />

the spring for water. She wanted to have a talk, the gist of which was that since there were wide differences in diagnosis of what was going on,<br />

so there were wide differences concerning what should be done.<br />

"But since Dennis is your brother and you have strong opinions on this subject, I will defer in favor of what you think should be done here. At<br />

least for the moment."<br />

I was grateful for the margin of time contained in Vanessa's chosen course. The whole question revolving around Dennis's state of mind<br />

concerned how and especially when he would pull out of it. Any diagnosis had to come forth with an operational prediction on that vital point.<br />

I was assured by the inner voice that all was well, but I wanted Vanessa to understand that I appreciated her approach even if I did not agree<br />

with it.<br />

I understood from Vanessa's demeanor that we would be left pretty much to ourselves in the forest house. We could expect her and Dave only<br />

as visitors, and already the possibility of retreat from the jungle isolation was becoming a faint but growing theme.<br />

Thus the stage was set for the next five days of chaos at La Chorrera, from the seventh to the twelfth of March. From that day onward, Ev<br />

became a kind of liaison with the rest of the world of the mission. She arrived in the late afternoon and departed each<br />

morning, cooking an evening and morning meal and being very game about it all, considering that she had only fallen in with our little group<br />

three weeks before.<br />

During this time, Dennis very slowly got better. His mind seemed to have been quite literally turned inside out. During certain times each day<br />

when he became more coherent he said that the experience had catapulted him to the edge of the Riemannian pseudosphere that is the<br />

universe, in which even parallel lines intersect. He claimed he had to come back into ordinary space and was regressing inward through level<br />

after level after level. Very strange things went on during this period. He could hear my mind working. He was telepathic; of this I have no<br />

doubt. He could do perfect voice imitations of our mother and father. He became many people, imitating them perfectly. He saw me as a kind<br />

of shaman or messiah. He referred to me as "The Teach," not teacher or teaching but The Teach, a kind of personified alien ambassador<br />

empowered to negotiate the entry of the human species into the councils of higher intelligence.<br />

And there was much more; a vision of twentieth-century history, building the lens, and the end of time. He said that the discovery of a higher<br />

physical dimension was a few years ahead of us, but somehow linked up to Egypt, to Acacia tryptamine cults, to Tibet eight thousand years<br />

ago, to Bon-po shamanic magic and the / Ching. All these ideas were in constant circulation while he talked and performed incessantly.<br />

No notes exist from this period. So filled was I with the assumption that we were abiding in eternity that I felt no need to write at all. As the<br />

world seemed to me to grow more perfect, I determined at some point that I would write a poem, but that moment never came. Nothing is<br />

coherent or remains connected from those five days. I remember it as the most intense time that I have ever gone through. There was not an<br />

emotional or intellectual chord in the human register that was not rung again and again in a thousand variations.<br />

In the notes made weeks after those times I could only summarize those five days by labeling them, absurdly: fire, water, earth, man, peace. I<br />

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