true hallucinations.htm - Shroomery

true hallucinations.htm - Shroomery

true hallucinations.htm - Shroomery


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<strong>true</strong> <strong>hallucinations</strong>.<strong>htm</strong><br />

be obvious: It is the occurrence of psilocybin and psilocin in the biosynthetic pathways of my living body that opens for me and my symbiots<br />

the vision screens to many worlds. You as an individual and humanity as a species are on the brink of the formation of a symbiotic<br />

relationship with my genetic material that will eventually carry humanity and earth into the galactic mainstream of the higher civilizations.<br />

"Since it is not easy for you to recognize other varieties of intelligence around you, your most advanced theories of politics and society have<br />

advanced only as far as the notion of collectivism. But beyond the cohesion of the members of a species into a single social organism there lie<br />

richer and even more baroque evolutionary possibilities. Symbiosis is one of these. Symbiosis is a relation of mutual dependence and positive<br />

benefits for both the species involved. Symbiotic relationships between myself and civilized forms of higher animals have been established<br />

many times and in many places throughout the long ages of my development. These relationships have been mutually useful; within my<br />

memory is the knowledge of hyperlight-drive ships and how to build them. I will trade this knowledge for a free ticket to new worlds around<br />

suns less forsaken and nearer galaxy center. To secure an eternal existence down the long river of cosmic time, I again and again offer this<br />

agreement to higher beings and thereby have spread throughout the galaxy over the long millennia. A mycelial network has no organs to move<br />

the world, no hands; but higher animals with manipulative abilities can become partners with the star knowledge within me and if they act in<br />

good faith can return both themselves and their humble mushroom teacher to the million worlds all citizens of our star swarm are heir to."<br />

Something that refers to itself as being as fragile and diaphanous as a spider's web—for such is the mycelial network of the mushroom—was<br />

not only able to communicate with me but was able to convey a vision of greater grandure and more transcendent hope than I had ever dared<br />

to dream possible. It was moving and breathtaking, but was it <strong>true</strong>?<br />

My own reaction to the mushroom's claims concerning the extraterrestrial origin of tryptamine hallucinogens and the visions that they bear has<br />

taken many forms. I think that it is possible that certain of these compounds could be "seeded genes" injected into the planetary ecology eons<br />

ago by an automated space-probe arriving here from a civilization somewhere else in the galaxy. Such genes could have been carried along in<br />

the genome of a mushroom or some other plant, awaiting only the advent of another intelligence and its discovery of them to begin reading<br />

out a message that opens with the bizarre dimension familiar to shamans everywhere. The point of such a message could only be made clear<br />

when those for whom the message was intended had advanced to a sufficient level of technical achievement to appreciate it. The exponential<br />

growth of analytical tools and methods over the past century may indicate that we are now approaching such a level. I speculate that the final<br />

content of the message will be instructions—it will be called a "discovery"—of how to build a matter-transmitter or some other device that<br />

will allow us direct contact with the civilization that sent the message-bearing hallucinogen genes to earth so many aeons ago. The trances<br />

imply that such a civilization has a faster-than-light technology for information, if not for matter itself, but a receiver is required at the arrival<br />

point, otherwise the alien presence within the mushroom is as bound by the constraints of general relativity, as are we.<br />

Something, someone, has seeded intragalactic space with automatic biomechanical probes. These probes are immensely sophisticated by our<br />

standards, able to tailor-make message-bearing hallucinogens for the special ecological conditions that the probe may encounter and to release<br />

virus-like pseudo-organisms able to carry the artificial genes into the nucleoplasm of the target species and to implant them there. This is a far<br />

more enduring form of message than a solid-state monolith on the moon or an orbiting monitor. The artificial genes may be carried along in<br />

the stream of evolution<br />

for literally hundreds of millions of years without substantial degradation of their message. The information carried by the probe and<br />

broadcast by the hallucinogens is modulated by the needs of evolving intelligent life on whatever planet is contacted. Gradually the emphasis<br />

of the information available from the probe shifts. Predictions of good hunting, simple divinatory results like the finding of lost objects, and<br />

the provision of medical advice are slowly superseded by the revelation of the extraterrestrial source of this information and the purpose<br />

behind it: construction of the star antenna and the entry into the Logos of galactic civilization that it will bring.<br />

Speculative ideas indeed! But strangely enough many of the most current calculations and ideas about the density of life and intelligence in<br />

the galaxy confront exobiologists with the dilemma of why we have not yet been contacted. Cyril Ponnamperuma and A. G. W. Cameron's<br />

Scientific Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Communication gives an excellent overview of current thinking on the subject. R. N. Bracewell's<br />

contribution printed in the same work was the basis of my own ideas about interstellar probes.<br />

I will summarize the state of the art thus: current thinking concludes that the peak of the emergence of intelligence in the galaxy was achieved<br />

ten to one hundred million years ago, that most races in the galaxy are very old and sophisticated. We cannot expect such races to appear with<br />

a trumpet-blast over every city on earth. Such an entry into history is tantamount to crashing into someone's house completely unannounced—<br />

hardly the sort of thing that one would expect from a subtle and ancient galactic civilization. Perhaps they have always been here, or rather<br />

their presence has always been here in the hallucinogens—when we understand this on our own, we will be signaling to them that we are now<br />

ready for the contact.<br />

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