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<strong>true</strong> <strong>hallucinations</strong>.<strong>htm</strong><br />

everyone else was crazy. In fact, relative to their normal behavior everyone did behave very oddly.<br />

The main thing the unseen teacher said was, "Do not worry. Do not worry, because there is something that you have to get straight about.<br />

Your brother will recover. Your companions will take care of him. Do not worry, but listen. You have to get this down." Within hours after<br />

the experiment this started impinging on me— something that I must figure out.<br />

This morning, the seventh, Dennis seemed to me to be more down to earth, but to such a slight degree that it was a matter of opinion whether<br />

he had made any improvement at all. I noticed with interest that while he seemed disoriented and his ideation was structurally as wild and<br />

woolly as ever, in content there had been a definite sort of improvement. On the day before, he had seemed to be spread over so vast an<br />

amount of time and space that there was little to be identified out of the cosmic churning that he was undergoing. On that day, to find even our<br />

own galaxy in his mind had been impossible. On the second day, he awoke within the galaxy and his visions and fantasies remained within it.<br />

Had that been the only instance of his telescoping back into himself, it would not have been worth noting, but the fact was that each step of his<br />

return to a normal state of mind was accomplished this way. The day after he reached the confines of the galaxy, he entered the solar system,<br />

condensing through its planets over several days until he identified only with Earth. Coalescing and condensing through the ecology of his<br />

home world, he came to think of himself as all humanity and was able to vividly relive all of its history. Later still, he became the embodiment<br />

of all the members of our vast and peculiar Irish family stretching back till before Judges had given us Numbers or Leviticus committed<br />

Deuteronomy, as James Joyce put it. They were of all kinds and he played them all: hard-rock miners, a seventeenth-century cleric sweating<br />

beneath a burden of lust, bombastic patriarchs and thin-faced women one generation, and women with shoulders like field hands and tongues<br />

like hedgeclippers the next. After a good bit of lolling around in those environs he was finally resolved down into our immediate family and<br />

progressed from there to confront and resolve the question of whether he was Dennis or Terence. Finally and thankfully, he came to rest with<br />

the realization<br />

that he was Dennis, returned from the edge of the universe of mind, restored and reborn, a shaman in the fullest sense of the word.<br />

But that reintegration and recovery was still twenty days in the future as we walked to the pasture the morning of March 7, just as we had on<br />

the morning after the experiment. We walked to the top of a small rise on which grew a young tree. Ama, the Witoto word for "brother," had<br />

become one of the many new forms of address that Dennis had created for me. Now as we walked along, we kept our eyes open for<br />

mushrooms, as had become our habit even though all thought of eating mushrooms was behind us now.<br />

Dennis strode ahead of me and made his way to the tree. Bending down and parting the grasses at the base of the tree, he pointed to the letters<br />

AMA carved in the bark. It was a carving at least several years old. The incident was confusing. How had Dennis known the carving was there<br />

and what did it mean anyhow? He answered my questions by sweeping his hand toward the dawn horizon and announcing that this was the<br />

planet Venus, or the archetypal world of Venus, I have no idea which. These assertions that flew completely in the face of reason were very<br />

hard to take and enkindled in me brief stabs of despair for his state of mind, though most of the time I was able to convince myself that he was<br />

improving and returning from the unseen worlds that were so vivid to him that he could see nothing else.<br />

I tried directing the developing fantasy of my brother—I used the idea that the re-creation of the scattered self was as an alchemical act with<br />

immense personal and historical significance. Each morning for several days after the fifth of March we would walk to the pasture and I<br />

would demand of him "the stone." Neither of us perceived these goings on through anything like the light of normal consciousness. The world<br />

seemed filled with a near-bending wonder and power that assured me that all things were possible and that the course of things in the light of<br />

this was moving in the right direction.<br />

"Be amazed at nothing; you are to receive the kingship of the father," spoke the quiet voice from hyperspace. "The Mystery of the wellspring<br />

and the datepalm will unfold."<br />

I watched my own understanding of the connections between what we were doing and classical alchemy move by vast intuitive<br />

leaps to implicate Gerhard Dorn, Robert Fludd, and Count Michael Maier, names associated with the finest literary flowering of the<br />

alchemical mind. And equally associated with a view of man and nature that had perished with the rise of modern chemistry.<br />

Yet I was haunted by their alchemical imagery. The thirty-sixth emblem of Maier's Atlanta Fugiens is a wonderful visual pun that connects the<br />

cube of Stropharia cubensis with the UFO, the hyper-object seen in the sky. It was an image that was constantly before me through those<br />

times. John Dee, with his angel-haunted skrying stone and the occult geometry of his cryptic opus The Hieroglyphic Monad, is mixed up in<br />

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