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<strong>true</strong> <strong>hallucinations</strong>.<strong>htm</strong><br />

Dennis was on his best behavior. Beyond his commenting as we got aboard that an airplane was a partial condensation of a flying saucer, he<br />

said little. A roar of the engine, a hard pull back on the stick, and we and our legendary bush pilot were airborne. We circled the mission once<br />

before settling down to follow the Rio Igara-Parana back to the Rio Putumayo and the version of civilization that the town of Leticia would<br />

afford. What a tiny world La Chorrera is, left behind in the trackless jungle after only a glimpse of buildings and Zebu cattle resting in the<br />

green pastures, looking like lumps of melting, vanilla ice cream. I imagined that whatever we had touched and been touched by, it was now<br />

falling behind us.<br />

We stayed two days in Leticia, days in which Dennis showed marked improvement while the rest of us drifted into various stances of distance<br />

with regard to each other. This seemed to be compensation for the excessive intimacy our isolated expedition had made necessary. The oddest<br />

thing about Leticia was that we were hardly off the plane before we ran into Jack and Ruby, an American couple who had rented Ev's<br />

apartment in Bogota for a few weeks. I had thought the name combination weird when I met them six weeks before, and now the fact that they<br />

were practically awaiting us in Leticia heightened the strangeness. I could not quite get my mind around it.<br />

By the time we reached Bogota, Dennis had almost completely returned to normal, lending weight to the idea that some form of temporary<br />

chemical imbalance had been responsible for his reaction rather than the emergence of a chronically unbalanced personality structure. He was<br />

very shaky and very bummed by any mention of fourth-dimensional superconducting bonds, ayahuasca, or shamanism. He said, "Look, I have<br />

had it." He had, too.<br />

He was nearly normal, but I was just at the beginning of a years-long period of unusual ideation—the state of suspended disbelief that gave<br />

birth to the ideas concerning time set out in The Invisible Landscape.<br />

On the twentieth of March, there was general agreement that Dennis was totally back with us. It was an occasion of great happiness and we<br />

celebrated at one of Bogota's finest restaurants. It was an immense accomplishment to have been able to allow the reversal to work itself out<br />

without the aggravating influence of modern mental health care procedures. The ordeal in the wilderness that all shamans must face had been<br />

endured. A step on the path to knowledge had been taken.<br />

On March 21, I made a journal entry—the first in weeks and the only one that I was able to make for another couple of months. I said this:<br />

March 21, 1971<br />

It is now seventeen days since March fourth and the concretizing of the ampersand. If I have more or less correctly understood this<br />

phenomenon, then tomorrow, the eighteenth day, will mark some sort of half-way point in this experience. I predict that tomorrow Dennis will<br />

return to the psychological set he experienced prior to March first, though it is possible that rather than a residual amnesia concerning events<br />

at La Chorrera he will have instead a growing understanding of the experiment of which he was the creator. The past weeks have been<br />

harrowing and seemingly made of so many times, places, and minds that a rational chronicle has been impossible. Only Finnegans Wake gives<br />

some idea of the reality of the paradoxicum as we experienced it by virtue of being able to pierce beyond time's double face. In spite of earlier<br />

misunderstandings and mis-projections concerning the cycles of time and number operating within the phenomenon, I now believe that in<br />

these seventeen days we have experienced, albeit sometimes running backwards and certainly enormously condensed, enough of a full cycle<br />

to begin to foresee in some dim sense the events of the next twenty or so days and have some idea of the approximate nature and direction of<br />

the opus.<br />

This journal entry makes clear that while Dennis was recovering from his submergence in the titanic struggle I was quite in the grip of a<br />

struggle of my own. I was caught up in an obsessive immersion, almost an enforced meditation, on the nature of time. The ordinary concerns<br />

of ordinary life ceased to matter to me. My attention was entirely claimed by my efforts to build a new model of what time really is.<br />

Resonances, recurrences, and the idea that events were interference patterns caused by other events temporally and causally distant claimed<br />

my attention. In those early speculations I imagined a mythic cycle needing forty days to be brought to completion. It was only later, when I<br />

began to be impressed with the DNA-related and calendrical nature of the temporal cycles, that I turned my attention to cycles of sixty-four<br />

days duration. This speculation eventually led me to turn to the / Ching. In those early notions of a forty-day cycle of alchemical redemption<br />

there is only the slightest hint of the eventual theory in its operational details; yet the intent is clearly the same. Resonances, interference<br />

patterns, and fractal regresses of times within times—these were the materials that I began to build with. Eventually, after some years of work,<br />

the result would have a certain elegance. However, that elegance was reserved for the future; the early conception was crude, self-referential,<br />

and idiosyncratic. It was only my faith that it could be made coherent and rational to others that kept me at it for those several years,<br />

transforming the original intuition into a set of formal<br />

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