Cables for Installations and Industry - Draka

Cables for Installations and Industry - Draka

Cables for Installations and Industry - Draka


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LON (Lo cal Op er at ing Net work)<br />

- LON is field bus that en ables the distributed data<br />

sys tems in build ings<br />

- based on the Neuron- prosessor of Eche lon Co<br />

- cho sen by the Fin nish build ing as so cia tion as<br />

the ba sis of SaMBA- project<br />

- LON is a build ing auto ma tion sys tem which con trols<br />

lights, heat ing, air con di tion ing, elec tric ity, se cu rity<br />

sys tems of build ings with in tel li gent auto ma tion sys tems<br />

- LON- net/In tel li gent nodes. They use the same lan guage,<br />

which is Lon Talk. LON- bus is open <strong>and</strong> suit able <strong>for</strong><br />

prod ucts of dif fer ent manu fac turers<br />

- LON- net does not need cen tral ized con trol<br />

- Ap pli ca tions are build ings, in dus try <strong>and</strong> pro cess<br />

auto ma tion, ve hi cles <strong>and</strong> small sys tems<br />

- Lon Works networks is becoming the dominant st<strong>and</strong>art<br />

<strong>for</strong> home networking around the world.<br />

It is very im por tant to plan ca bling sys tems so that it is<br />

pos si ble to con nect in tel li gent switches <strong>and</strong> nodes eas ily<br />

<strong>and</strong> make so lu tions which work prop erly in the fu ture too.<br />

The LON ca bles of NK Ca bles ful fil re quire ments of<br />

Echelon specification, which describes ca bling sys tems<br />

<strong>and</strong> re quire ments.<br />

LON<br />

4-way breakout box<br />

The last outlet includes terminating resistor<br />

RJ 45-female connector<br />

LON-outlet<br />

Connection cable<br />

RJ 45 - RJ 45<br />

LON- Cabling<br />

LON -Ca bling can be realized with three dif fer ent con duc tor<br />

sizes (1,3 mm, 0,8 mm <strong>and</strong> 0,65 mm).<br />

LON- cables of NK Ca bles are:<br />

LO NAK ®<br />

2 x 1,3<br />

LO NAK ® ARM 2 x 1,3<br />

LO NAK ® 2 x 2 x 0,8<br />

LO NAK ®<br />

2 x 2 x 0,65<br />

LON Ca bling works also with Cat. 5 ca bles, but only with<br />

shorter con nec tions <strong>and</strong> smaller node amounts.<br />

Readiness of LON- Cabling<br />

Readiness <strong>for</strong> LON can be improved by installing<br />

a sufficient amount of LON boxes with RJ 45 female<br />

connectors to connect the nodes.<br />

LON outlets should be installed in such amounts <strong>and</strong> at<br />

such distances that a allow a readiness <strong>for</strong> LON in all<br />

premises can be achieved.<br />

The type of cable used as a connecting wire <strong>and</strong> its lenght<br />

should be chosen according to the tranceivers <strong>and</strong> in<br />

compliance with the allowed lengths of cable <strong>and</strong><br />

distances between nodes.<br />

Cabling implemented in the right way is a basic<br />

prerequisite <strong>for</strong> error-free <strong>and</strong> reliable data transmission<br />

between intelligent nodes. Cabling has a great effect on<br />

how the LON network will serve its users in the future when<br />

it is need to change <strong>and</strong> grow.<br />

Implementation of LON- Cabling<br />

LON-pair<br />

0,65 mm cable<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Connection cable<br />

RJ 45 - screw connection<br />



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