annual report - FIAT SpA

annual report - FIAT SpA

annual report - FIAT SpA


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(tangible and intangible assets), the residual values of vehicles leased out under operating lease arrangements or<br />

sold with buy-back clauses, pension funds and other post-employment benefits, and deferred tax assets.<br />

The following are the critical judgements and the key assumptions concerning the future, that management has made<br />

in the process of applying the Group accounting policies and that have the most significant effect on the amounts<br />

recognised in the consolidated financial statements or that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to<br />

the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year.<br />

Allowance for doubtful accounts<br />

The allowance for doubtful accounts reflects management’s estimate of losses inherent in the wholesale and retail<br />

credit portfolio. This allowance is based on the Group’s estimate of the losses to be incurred, which derives from past<br />

experience with similar receivables, current and historical past due amounts, dealer termination rates, write-offs and<br />

collections, the careful monitoring of portfolio credit quality and current and projected economic and market conditions.<br />

Should the present economic and financial situation persist or even worsen, this could lead to a further deterioration in<br />

the financial situation of the Group’s debtors compared to that already taken into consideration in calculating the<br />

allowances recognised in the financial statements.<br />

Allowance for obsolete and slow-moving inventory<br />

The allowance for obsolete and slow-moving inventory reflects management’s estimate of the loss in value expected<br />

by the Group, and has been determined on the basis of past experience and historical and expected future trends in<br />

the used vehicle market. A worsening of the economic and financial situation could cause a further deterioration in<br />

conditions in the used vehicle market compared to that already taken into consideration in calculating the allowances<br />

recognised in the financial statements.<br />

Recoverability of non-current assets (including goodwill)<br />

Non-current assets include property, plant and equipment, intangible assets (including goodwill), investments and<br />

other financial assets. Management reviews the carrying value of non-current assets held and used and that of assets<br />

to be disposed of when events and circumstances warrant such a review. Management performs this review using<br />

estimates of future cash flows from the use or disposal of the asset and a suitable discount rate in order to calculate<br />

present value. If the carrying amount of a non-current asset is considered impaired, the Group records an impairment<br />

loss for the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its estimated recoverable amount from use or<br />

disposal determined by reference to its most recent business forecasts.<br />

In view of the present economic and financial situation, the Fiat Group has the following considerations in respect of<br />

its future prospects:<br />

� In the current situation, when preparing figures for the consolidated financial statements for the year ended<br />

31 December 2010 and more specifically when carrying out impairment testing of tangible and intangible<br />

assets, the various sectors of the Group have taken into account their performance for 2011 as forecast in the<br />

budgets of the post-Demerger Fiat Group and the Fiat Industrial Group, with assumptions and results<br />

consistent with the statements made in the section Significant events subsequent to the year end and outlook.<br />

In addition, for subsequent years they have taken into account the forecasts and targets included in the Fiat<br />

Group’s 2010-2014 Strategic Plan presented to the financial community on 21 April 2010. These forecasts did<br />

not indicate the need to recognise any significant impairment losses.<br />

� In addition, should the assumptions underlying the forecast deteriorate further the following is noted:<br />

The Group’s tangible assets and intangible assets with a finite useful life (which essentially regard<br />

development costs) relate to models or products having a high technological content in line with the latest<br />

environmental laws and regulations, which consequently renders them competitive in the present economic<br />

situation, especially in the more mature economies in which particular attention is placed on the ecosustainability<br />

of those types of products. As a result, therefore, despite the fact that the automotive sector is<br />

one of the markets most affected by the crisis in the immediate term, it is considered highly probable that the<br />

life cycle of these products can be lengthened to extend over the period of time involved in a slower<br />

economic recovery, in this way allowing the Group to achieve sufficient earnings flows to cover the<br />

investments, albeit over a longer timescale.<br />

Around 61% of capitalised goodwill relates to the CNH business and around 27% to Ferrari. In the case of<br />

the goodwill relating to the CNH business (€1,794 million at 31 December 2010), which has been classified<br />

as Discontinued Operations since it relates to businesses included in the Fiat Industrial Group, detailed<br />

analyses using various methodologies were carried out to test its recoverability; the underlying<br />

considerations are described in Note 14. As concerns Ferrari, the exclusivity of the business, its historical<br />

profitability and its future earnings prospects indicate that the carrying amount will continue to be<br />

recoverable, even in the event of economic and market conditions which remain difficult.<br />

Fiat Group Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2010 122

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