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FEES Letters 344 (t994) 239—241<br />

FEBS 140¡9<br />

LE TTERS<br />

Inhibition of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 by hepatocyte swelling<br />

Manuel Guzmána*. Guillermo Ve<strong>la</strong>scoa, José Castroa, Victor A. Zammitb<br />

~Departmentof Biochernistrr ond Molecu<strong>la</strong>r Biology L Facuitv of Chernistry, <strong>Complutense</strong> University. 28040-Madrid, Spain<br />

bHannah Research Institute, Ayr, KÁÓ SHL, Scot<strong>la</strong>nd. UK<br />

Received 8 April 1994<br />

Abstract<br />

Incubation of hepatoc~tes un<strong>de</strong>r conditions known te increase their vo¡ume. i.e. with amino acids ev in bypo-osmotic medium.<br />

<strong>de</strong>creased carnitine pa¡n,itoyi-transferase 1 (CPT-l) activity. Tbis effect of hepatocvte swe¡¡ing was antagonized by okadaic acid and dibutyry¡-cAMP.<br />

Physio¡ogica¡ concentrations of g¡uramate inhibited CPT-l activity in digitonin-permeabi¡ized bepatocytes but not in iso¡ated n,itochondria. Resu¡ts<br />

suggest that the amino acid-induced inhibition of CPT-¡ shares a common n,echanism with the amino acid-induced stimu¡ation of acety¡-CoA<br />

carboxy¡ase and g¡ycogen synthase f(¡993) Eur. J. Biochen. 2¡7. ¡083—¡089].<br />

Key words: Carnitjne palmitoyltransferase 1; l-lepatocyte swelling; Glutamine: Ketegenesis<br />

1. Introduction 2. Experimental<br />

Evi<strong>de</strong>nce is rapidly accumu<strong>la</strong>ting that changes in<br />

hepatocyte volume p<strong>la</strong>y an important role in the control<br />

of hepatocellu<strong>la</strong>r metabolic function [1,2]. Hepatocyte<br />

swelling induced by several amino acids, notably glutaminc<br />

amd proline. or by hypotonicity have a number of<br />

anabolic and anti-catabolic effects. such as stimu<strong>la</strong>tion<br />

of glycogen [3,4], lipid [4] and protein synthesis [5], or<br />

¡nbibition of glycogenolysis [6] aud proteolysis [7]. Keto-<br />

~enesis is also inhibited by hepatocyte swelling [8]. Although<br />

the mechanism responsible for this effect has not<br />

been <strong>de</strong>scribed. amino acid-induced inhibition of hepatic<br />

ketogenesis was observed te be in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of changes<br />

tn the concentration of malonyl-CoA [8],a physiological<br />

inhibitor of the key regu<strong>la</strong>tory enzyme in the transport<br />

of long-cbain fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix,<br />

viz. carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT-l) [9—12].<br />

Changes in the kinetic characteristics of CPT-I that<br />

occur in parallel with, or in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly of. intracellu<strong>la</strong>r<br />

malonyl-CoA concentration have been shown te be involved<br />

in a number of short- and long-ten alterations<br />

of hepatic kctogenesis [9—12].Iherefore. the present<br />

work was un<strong>de</strong>rtaken te test whether changes in the<br />

intrinsic properties of CPT-I are involved in the amino<br />

acid-induced inhibition of hepatic ketogencsis.<br />

‘Corresponding author. Fax: (341 (¡) 394 4¡59.<br />

O0¡4-5793/94/$7.O0© ¡994 Fe<strong>de</strong>ration of EuropeanBiochemical Secieties.<br />

lSD! 00 ¡ 4-5793

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