Chen Zhen - Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb

Chen Zhen - Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb

Chen Zhen - Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb


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C. Z. J have always looked for an irrational Hnk, withouttheory, structure OI system, in order to be able tomove freely through the world, to position myselfwithin dtsplacements and identify myself with theother. "Transexpertences" sums up fairly well my wayof living and making art. We all have these "transexperienceswithin us", this real potentiality.J. S. You speak of the importance of experiences as anartistic process, so how do you deal with the differentcontexts you come into (from Japan to Johannesburg,from Tel Aviv to El Salvador, via North America andEurope)? Given all the exhibitions you are invited to allaround the world, how do you envisage the continuityof your work in relation to the diversity of sources ofinspiration? ln a world where globalisation and decentralisationare becoming increasingly dominant?ptee-e-rerre 1998vreux.Port de "-'\ontrealfishing boat, wood, metal, barrels, cans, variousobjects700 x 1300 x Soo cmExhibition [11 Biennale de Mont real 199RPhoto: Guy L'Heureur , Centre International d'ArtConternporatn de Montrei:lj and <strong>Chen</strong> <strong>Zhen</strong>C. Z. After ten years' experience of exhibition, mainlyin the Western context, and having gone from an initially marginal position to anactivity that is now in the "centre", I am thinking about a "re-margtnaltsation" Thenotion of "Residence . Resonance . Resistance" (R-R·R), drawn from my experiencesover the last few years, expresses certain positions that I would like to develop. Toreside, anchor oneself in different cultural contexts; to resonate, to hold dialoguewith "local" cultures; to resist, dilute the Western "mono-cultural influence" in mymind. True, it is a way of widening the field of artistic inspiration, but above all itreflects a desire to continue with an increasingly dense activity, an activity based onthe human and on experience. So tt's not a matter of managing or reacting to all thistravel linked to invitations to exhibit. It has more to do with a will to give priority to"marginal invitations" or to provoke that kind of invitation around the world. I amtrying to slow down the rhythm of exhibitions and to give more time to long stays ondifferent continents. l want to go on learning. Globalisation cannot be a one-wayexpansionist attitude; it must become mutual penetration. Otherwise both sides loseall their advantages.J, S. How, given thefrenzied rhythm of these invitations, do you go envisage getting themental repose you talk about, and above all the concentration of energy?c. Z. Twenty years ago in China, when I was very ill, people would often ask me, "howare you going to get back on your feet again, to demonstrate your strength of wim"Your question almost points in the opposite direction. I have always kept the samementality. I haven't changed. In China, there are two strategies in relation to changeand movement: "Ten thousand changes never alter the essence of things", and "Stayunchanged in the face of ten thousand changes". I perhaps have an advantage,because my illness wakes me up every morning and places me in a loud silence.(C.P.)53

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