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PT PP (Persero), Tbk.PT PP (Persero), Tbk.DAN ENTITAS ANAKAND ITS SUBSIDIARIESCatatan Atas Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasianNotes To The Consolidated Financial Statements30 Juni 2014 dan 31 Desember 2013 30 June 2014 and 31 December 2013Serta Untuk Periode 6 (Enam) Bulan Yang Berakhir Pada Tanggal-TanggalAnd For 6 (Six) Months Ended30 Juni 2014 dan 2013 30 June 2014 and 2013(Dinyatakan dalam Rupiah penuh, kecuali dinyatakan lain)(Expressed in full IDR, unless otherwise stated)32. MODAL SAHAM (lanjutan) 32. SHARE CAPITAL (continued)Tambahan Modal DisetorSelisih nilai nominal saham denganpenerimaan hasil Penawaran Umum Saham477.929.190.000477.929.190.000Additional paid in capitalDifference in par value between par valueand IPOBiaya Emisi SahamSelisih Nilai Transaksi RestrukturisasiEntitas SepengendaliTotal Tambahan Modal disetorModal ditempatkan dan disetor sertatambahan modal disetor(15.762.737.159)(148.362.477)462.018.090.364946.261.740.364(15.762.737.159)190.393.598462.356.846.439946.600.496.439Share in issuance costDifference in value of restructuringtransaction among entities under commoncontrolTotal Additional paid in capitalSubscribed and paid in capital andadditional pain in capitalSusunan pemegang saham Perusahaan per 30 Juni 2014 dan 31Desember 2013 adalah sebagai berikut :Pemegang SahamNegara Republik IndonesiaKoperasi KaryawanPemegang Saham-PT PP (Persero) TbkPublikJumlahPemegang SahamNegara Republik IndonesiaKoperasi KaryawanPemegang Saham-PT PP (Persero)PublikJumlahJumlah Saham /Total Stock2.469.642.760260.305.7342.112.488.0064.842.436.500Jumlah Saham /Total Stock283.549.0002.089.244.74030 Juni 2014 / June 2014% Kepemilikan /Ownership %51,00%- Menyetujui Penambahan Modal Dasar perusahaan dari semula Rp.-400.000.000.000 (empat ratus milyar rupiah) menjadi sebesar Rp.1.500.000.000.000 (satu triliun lima ratus milyar rupiah).- Menyetujui Perubahan nilai nominal saham yang semula sebesar Rp-500 (lima ratus rupiah) menjadi sebesar Rp 100 (seratus rupiah).5,38%26.030.573.40043,62% 211.248.800.600100%31 Desember / December 2013% Kepemilikan /Ownership %Nilai Nominal /Par Value246.964.276.000484.243.650.000Nilai Nominal /Par Value2.469.642.760 51,00% 246.964.276.0004.842.436.500Sesuai dengan akta Pernyataan Keputusan Pemegang Saham DiluarRapat dan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan Perseroan(Persero) PT Pembangunan Perumahan No. 16 tanggal 15 Oktober 2009notaris Imas Fatimah, SH, diputuskan antara lain sebagai berikut :The composition of the shareholders of the Company as of 30 June2014 and 31 December 2013 are as follows :5,86% 28.354.900.00043,14%208.924.474.000100% 484.243.650.000ShareholdersState of the Republic IndonesiaEmployees Cooperative -Shareholders of PT PP (Persero)PublicTotalShareholdersState of the Republic IndonesiaEmployees Cooperative -Shareholders of PT PP (Persero)PublicTotalIn accordance with the decision of shareholders taken out of theirgeneral meeting and the deed No. 16 dated 15 October 2009 of thenotary Imas Fatimah, SH, on amendment of the Company' articles ofassociation, it is agreed that:The authorized capital of the Company is increase from initiallyIDR400,000,000,000 (four hundred billion rupiahs) toIDR1,500,000,000,000 (one trillion and five hundred billion rupiahs);The par value of shares is increased from initially IDR500 each toIDR100 each;132

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