TOURMAG / Sonbahar 2021

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Istanbul Photo Awards increases

visibility and audience

Winning at the Istanbul Photo Awards contest gives photographers an opportunity to

publicize their work, thus increasing its visibility and audience, said photojournalist

Fabio Bucciarelli, this year’s first prize winner in the Story News category.

As the world struggled amid the difficulties

that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought

with itself, Anadolu Agency’s Istanbul Photo

Awards drew attention to what has been going

on throughout the globe with the power

of photos. Fabio Bucciarelli is among the

photojournalists who spoke to people from

all around the world about how the deadly

virus affected everyday life with the photos

he took in Italy in early 2020.

“I gained exclusive access to Red Cross

workers who were going from door to door

to check on those who were infected. It was

an intimate view of the devastating way

the coronavirus was tearing apart family

after family”, he said. Mentioning that he

visited hospitals full of Covid-19 patients, he

described his connection with the families

as “so intensive that, in the most tragic

cases, they allowed me to follow them to

cemeteries for the pared-down yet poignant

ceremonies that only the closest relatives

could attend.”

Stressing that he has always tried to draw

empathy to the people he photographed

while also caring for human rights, he told:

“My main focus has always been the interpretation

of this feeling and the creation of

a coherent iconography.” Talking about the

importance of independent, visual journalism,

he signified one would have never

known what is happening in Syria or Libya

had photographers not “documented the

war at their risk”.

He sees professional, independent journalism

as the key to fight ignorance, fake

news, and propaganda. “Winning an award

is always an important gratification and

recognition of the work done. But the main

objective remains the ultimate goal of the

journalistic work, which is to spread information

and knowledge by bringing the content

to public attention. Winning at the Istanbul

Photo Awards gives a further important diffusion

to the work done, increasing visibility

and audience”, said Bucciarelli.


Ugur Yildirim, a photojournalist at Turkey’s

Sabah newspaper, won second prize In the

Story News category for his work in Nagorno-Karabakh.

He visually recorded the

12 Ekim / Kasım / Aralık | 2021

October / November / December

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